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sorry ive been gone for so long 😔💕
present day. wensday 10:15pm.

fear was laced deep into the younger boys eyes - taehyung could noteably see that in the midsit of the night.
but this monsters feelings was nothing to the older, he just wanted this thing to understand how painful it was for him to see his own brother getting ripped apart by a greedy little minx.

"i thought about what would happen if i ever saw you again."

taehyungs deep voice ricocheted through the other boy, his body visably shaking. the young kid felt terrified - he never wished to have this hell of a life, to feed on his own kind. and now he was paying the price of being that mistake.

"i thought about killing you, but that wouldn't be enough."

what was this man planning for him? the brunette had thought, panic settling in his stomach and chest like a never ending race track, each car trying to out the other, only causing them to go faster and faster - tightening up the youngers chest.

"but i decided on this..."

and with those words followed after a clinking noise, the younger looked down to find that taehyung had cuffed his wrists. his head quickly shot back up to look at the older pleadingly - hoping that taehyung could just let him go. but any amount of pleading would not get those cold metal shackles off the others wrists.

after what felt like hours, the younger was brough into a unusual building that taehyung had pulled him into, the older then looked at him dead in the eye before speaking;

"who are you."

"j-jungkook s-sir..."

jungkook spilled out his answer from the rather demand than the question, scared of what will come next before taehyung grabbed jungkook by the chain that connected the shackles together and threw him into what looked like an isolation cell but it had a large window across one of the wall that the door was built into.
the brunette heard the loud clunks of the door being locked up before he met taehyung at the window.

"this option i liked much better."

taehyung smirked at the fear evident in the youngers eyes - letting out a small sadistic chuckle before continuing.

"your going to be locked up here, for me to use how i want to use you. is that clear?"

jungkooks heart hammered against his chest, fingers curling into his sweaty palms to create tight fists.

"y-yes s-sir."

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