Party Party?

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Its been one month since Naira saw Shubham at the mall. Naksh and Tara have officially become the King and Queen of Mewar now.

Kartik and Naira are in their room working when Kartik got a call from Shubham saying that he is going to States. Kartik "Again? Shubh there is meeting next week man.... Come on now. Take leave some other time" he said irrittated. Naira looked at him confused "again he is taking leave?" Kartik nodded.

Naira "Kartik I want to tell you something. I saw.... uh... I saw a girl last month with Shubh a girl in the mall. I wanted to ask him about that but he left and after that also I tried asking him but he said she was just a friend but.... but they didn't seemed to me as friends. Maybe she is his girlfriend and he takes leave for few days from every month just to meet her." Kartik was shocked to know this "I think you are right. I should talk to him or wait lets do one thing.... lets preponed the meeting and invite both of them here only. "
Naira "yeah.... that's a good idea."


Shubham reached a flat and was about to knock on the door when he heard some voices of giggling. He peeped in from the key hole to see Riya(his girlfriend) and a man standing kissing each other. He was shocked to see them. His anger took over and he pushed the door open to make them shocked and frightened.
Shubham went near them "so you were cheating on me. Since when? Is this child even mine?" he said with disgust pointing towards the baby bump of Riya. She was about to say something when he showed her his hand signalling her to stop.
Shubham came dangerously close to Riya threatening her "don't you ever show me your face you bitch." Saying this he left from there in anger.

After coming GV he straight went to his room and cried his heart out feeling cheated. After sometime when Naira was passing by she heard voices from his room and got worried when she heard his cries. She pushed open the door to see him crying laying laying on the bed. Shubham heard someone entering the room and wiped his tears quickly.
Naira came in front of him and sat on the bed beside him caressing his hair.
Naira "Shubh, what happened? Why are you crying?" she said worried.
Shubham got up trying to smiling but failed miserably and started sobbing.
Naira got much worried and took him in a hug "Shubh, tell me what happened.... calm down and tell me. Shubh.... shh... don't cry...."

Shubh "bhabhi.... she... she.... che...ate...eddd ..... chea...ted on me.... she told.... me that she loved me.... she told me that... that she was preg....pregnant but when I reached there saw her.... kissing some.... some other guy.... I loved her so much.... and... she...." he said crying.
Kartik came there after waiting for Naira and was shocked to hear him  Shubham crying and Naira consoling him. She was seeing him crying for the first time like this.

Naira took him in a hug consoling him rubbing his back. Naira ""

Kartik was standing at the door seeing Shubham and Naira. He was angry and sad for his younger brother but was somewhere relieved that Naira is with him.

Kartik came inside the room and started rubbing Shubham's back consoling. Kartik "bhabhi is right Shubh... youb are strong.... you are the one who keeps everyone happy and here you are the one who is getting weak.... come baby boy...." he said encouraging him.

Naira wiped Shubham tears and covered him with the duvet and Kaira left for their room.


Kartik "thanku Naira, for handling Shubh."

Naira what are you syaing Kartik, Shubh is my brother also. I have the responsibility to take care of you, him and mom and dad, everyone. Its my family" she exclaimed.


Next evening

There is a party in GV because Goenka Industries have signed a big contract.

Kartik and Naira are talking to Rishi, Keerti and Shubham when someone tapped on Naira's shoulder. Naira turned to see Gayu.

Naira "Gayu, I thought you would not come... but I'm happy to see you. Come I will make you meet someone..."

Naira "Shubh this is Gayu my best friend and Gayu he is my brother in law, Shubh."
Both of them shared 'hi' smiling.

Gayu "wait, I have brought Adi also(her boyfriend Aditya).
When Gayu brought him there everyone gave a smile to him but Naira didn't felt good the way he was looking at her. Not only Naira there was one other person also who was not happy but shocked to see him.

Shubham "you...." he said being shocked.

Everyone looked at him. Naira "you know him Shubh?" she asked him.

Shubh was about to say something but Aditya interrupted him in between "yeah Naira... I met him throught Ria... right Shubham?" he said smirking but it was seen by Naira and she felt something odd.

Aditya "Shubham, actually I want to talk to you about something. So...would you?" he said trying to talk to Shubham.

Both of them went at a corner.
Aditya "If you tried telling anyone about me and Ria then I swear... I will kill this Gayu. You what I don't care about her because I've never loved her. I just love my girlfriend Ria" he said evilly and saying this he left from there leaving a shocked Shubham.

Gayu came there and put a hand on his shoulder and Shubham turned in shock but calmed down when saw Gayu looking at him. Gayu "are you....are you alright? Need something? Wait, lemme call Naira...." Gayu was about to call Naira when Shubham left from there in hurry which confused Gayu.

After sometime Naksh and Tara came and were welcomed by Naira and Kartik. Naira hugged Naksh and Tara.

Naira "bhai, mumma didn't came?" she asked.

Tara "no, actually she has some work so couldn't come."

Naksh "its okay Naira, don't be sad. Both of us are here. Right?" he said to enlighten her mood.

Kartik "come ya, both of you now. Rishi and Keerti are also waiting for you both."

Rishi and Keerti hugged Naksh and Tara. Keerti "so Tara, how'z everything going huh? Enjoying becoming the queen" she said teasing her.

Tara "dude its very difficult man. I can't even go outside without being clicked. All the paps and everything. Sometime its so disturbing" she said making face and everyone else laughed and Naksh took her in a side hug.

Aditya had to go has he got some important call. Naira asked Gayu to stay back only.

Everyone went to the dance floor with their partners. Just Gayu and Shubham were left.

Shubham could see from Gayu's expressions that she also wanted to dance but had no one to dance with so he went to her and asked her to dance with him.

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