Chapter Two (Crushes)

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"I, uh . . . I'd rather not say. Sorry." Bonnie looked away.

"No, that's okay. If it's just a crush, it shouldn't hurt anything. Just act like how you would if you didn't have a crush on them," Freddy suggested, lifting his hat and scratching his head.

"That's a lot better in theory, than in practice," Bonnie mumbled.

"Who stole my whisk?" Chica blurted, stepping out of the kitchen.

"What?" Freddy wondered, looking back at her.

"My whisk is gone. It's not in its drawer. Where have you people put it?" Chica demanded.

"I didn't do anything with it. Bonnie?" Freddy looked back at him.

"Wha- No, I didn't," Bonnie stammered.

"Foxy!" Chica barked.

"What be it, lass?" Foxy poked his head out from between the curtains of Pirate Cove.

"Did you steal my whisk?" She crossed her arms.

"What would I needs a whisk fer?" Foxy sassed.

"Chica, did you check any of the other drawers?" Freddy asked.

". . . No . . ."

Bonnie sniggered as Freddy rolled his eyes. Chica went into the kithcen, closing the door behind her, and leaving Bonnie and Freddy alone again. Freddy hummed in thought, tapping his fingers on his microphone. Bonnie looked over at him as his ears twitched. Freddy noticed his stare and looked over.

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow.

Bonnie blushed, looking down. ". . . Um, I think I'm gonna go check on Foxy."

"Oh, okay."

Bonnie walked off, letting Freddy think for a moment. He stepped off stage, deciding to go "check" on Chica.

Bonnie poked his head into Pirate Cove, to see Foxy sitting against the wall. "Um, hey, Foxy."

"Ahoy, what are ye doin'? I mean- Somethin' wrong?" Foxy looked up at him.

"Sorta." Bonnie sat down beside him, resting his elbow on his knee and his chin in his palm.

"What be it?" Foxy wondered.

"Well, I've got a crush on Freddy."

"No," Foxy gasped sarcastically.

"Yeah. And, I don't know if it's just a crush." Bonnie crossed his legs and twiddled his thumbs.

"Mhm?" Foxy hummed as he rolled his eyes, gesturing for him to go on.

"Well, that's it. I don't know what to do about it."

"Have ye told 'im about it?" Foxy muttered, using his hook to pick at his teeth.

"What?" Bonnie blurted, laughing nervously.

"I take that as a 'no,' " Foxy snickered.

"I'm not crazy! What would he think?" Bonnie mumbled.

"Ye'd be surprised."

"I'm only supposed to be his friend. Nothing more." Bonnie sighed, closing his eyes.

"Why don't ye try talkin' to 'im?" Foxy suggested.

"Mm . . ." Bonnie hummed nervously.

"Maybe ye'll learn somethin'." Foxy looked over at Bonnie, who returned the gaze.

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