i get back up and change into my pyjamas before getting in bed.

today was a good first day at school. i hope tomorrow is the same.

next day

Otis and i walk into science together. we both sit next to Maeve as there was two seats next to her.

"hey Maeve." i say sitting down.

"hi Esme." she says. she looks at Otis. "great, it's you."

"i get it, you're mean." Otis says.

"okay so, what was gonna be biology is now an emergency SRE class. apparently there's been an outbreak of pubic lice." the biology teacher says. the class starts to laugh. "mr Groff felt you needed a refresher. lucky me! i'm joking this is actually going to be incredibly awkward. you'll be working in groups. you'll need worksheets, two prophylactics and a plastic cock and balls."

we get the stuff we need and place them onto the table.

"did you go to your detention that Jackson gave you?" i ask Maeve.

"it wasn't a detention. it was a note that said 'meet me after school'. we had sex." she whispers. i nearly chocked.

"what!" i whisper yell. i look over at Otis, he's struggling to put the condom on the plastic. "Otis, it's not a hat."

"jesus christ." Maeve says rolling it on.

"i hate this lesson already." i laugh. "what's next?"

Maeve starts to fill in a diagram of the vagina.

"that's not the hymen." Otis says.

"i think i know where the hymen is, thanks." she says with a sarcastic attitude.

"well, i mean. you're quiet wrong." he takes the pen out of her hand and writes down where it should go.

"what is it then?" i ask.

"they are the paraurethral glands." he writes it down. "the female prostate."

"where's the hymen then?" Maeve asks. he writes down where it should go then puts the pen down.

a condom flies across the room and hits the teacher in the face. the whole class laughs again. it was very funny. even Otis found it funny. "see me after." the teaher says pointing a plastic penis at the person who threw it.

everyone's phone buzzes, including mine. i get my phone out. it's a picture. it's a video of Otis' mum. oh no. "what is it?" Otis asks me.

the tv turns on and the video plays on it. everyone's laughing but me and Otis. i feel so bad for him. he stares at the tv before running out of the room.

"go see if he's okay." the teacher says to Maeve and i. we both run out.

"let's go see if your boyfriend is okay." Maeve says.

"he's just a friend. he's actually really nice if you have a proper conversation with him and not mean to him." i say defending him.

The Clinic//Otis Milburn/Asa ButterfieldWhere stories live. Discover now