destruction is all you created

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Man I really need to get a steady schedule on this stuff. Well sorry for the wait and let's get right in shall we.

(Y/n) pov

You walk into the familiar castle happy to be back and immediatly make your way to the meeting room to see Salem.

"Hey! Do you think you can walk any slower (y/n)." Richmond says as he runs up to you.

"Just excited to finally see mother again thats it" you say as you walk into the meeting room.You see Emerald, Mercury, Cinder, Tyrian, Watts, and Hazel all chatting about the destruction of Beacon until they notice Richmond.

"Richmond I do hope you come back bearing good news since all I have heard today is bad news." Salem growls as she looks at Richmond.

"Yes mam, you are going to be extatic on what I brought, same with the rest of you." This caught all of their attention as they turn to see you walking in.

"Hey guys, long time no..." You say only to get tackled by Cinder and Emerald who are to say the least, extatic to see you.

"(Y/n) I thought we would have to fight you at some point, thank Oum I did not have to fight you" Cinder says as she is almost crying along with Emerald.

"Hey come on, I'm glad to be back l, especially with you mother." You say as you pry Cinder and Emerald off of you to walk to Salem.

"My you have grown son. I trust that you have gotten stronger yes." Salem says as she hugs you.

"Yes mother, I have become strong just like you asked." You say as you release yourself from. Her grip to kneel before her.

" I tell you (y/n) never changes even after all of this time." Hazel says as he got Pat's you on the back. All you do is laugh and smile at him.

"Alright (y/n) I have a mission to prove your strength to me. I need you to go around and kill hunters and huntresses I tell you through communication methods." Salem says to you while walking back to her chair.

"Yes mother I shall do just that." You say as you start to walk out. You crack the door open and say " two things, one can you please give me all of my power back." Salem just smiles while everyone else was in shock because you already were so strong. You feel a surge of power course through your veins as you just smile. " Second who first?"

Timeskip, 1 week, location: vale

You walk through the streets of vale looking for your seventh target. Alex, a snake faunus who is a hunter who keeps getting in the white fangs way. He is supposed to be very strong and a very well known hunter. Taking him down should be good for crippling the hunters forces and for getting the White Fang on our side. You think as you keep walking through the streets of Vale to your destination. You just sigh realizing that you are basically just an assassin for Salem to use to get rid of the trash in her way but you did not mind. All of your friends were on this side so you were to. You eventually teach the dust shop the white fang are supposed to be robbing to see a white fang member fly out towards you. You grab him from midair with one hand not even looking at him and sigh. Guess I might of just found him you think as you start to walk into the store. You make no noise as you walk in and see a really nice black trench coat. Don't mind if I do. You think as you take it and put it on. You put your hands in your pockets as you watch all the White Fang goons getting their butts handed to them by a snake faunus. Jackpot is all you think as you walk up to him as he finishes the last one.

"Man, I wish they would at least be somewhat challenging." He says as he laughs.

"Yeah I know, 15 of them and one of you yet you did not even have to take out your weapon Alex." You say as you check to see if they are alive. Good, Roman could still use them after this. You see Alex stop when you say his name.

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