So close...

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Jug's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a door closing. When I looked at the night stand there was a plate with eggs, bacon and juice.

Then I saw my door open. And in came Veronica. She sat down next to me.

As I sat up I felt how weak my body was. I had bruises everywhere and I don't think I would be able to walk more than 10 meters.

"Eat up, you need to gain some energy" Veronica's nice voice said to me. "Thanks" I said as I took the plate. I quickly ate everything on it.

When I put my plate back on the nightstand it was completely silent. "Jughead, I know what you did for me" she said breaking the silence. "You do?" "Yeah, I do. And how can you be such an idiot. I mean look at you, that dance wasn't worth you getting beating up nearly to death" "yes, it was Veronica."
"No, it most certainly wasn't" "it's because you don't see the full picture, V" she looked confused as hell. "Then tell me" she said demanding answers. "Was it for your sake? Yes. Was it for my sake? Yes" I said, Veronica looking more than confused. "How does you nearly dying benefit you?" "It doesn't, But I rather that than know that a whole bar filled with men are gonna watch you almost naked" "oh..." "I- I like you. Veronica..." "Jughead, I- i... I can't deal with this..." and then she left...

Veronica is complicated as hell. Back in Riverdale I could practically get whatever girl I wanted... here I only want one girl but that's also something near impossible... I just wish I could figure out what is going on inside of her head.

I wanted to follow her out of the door so bad but I couldn't... I was seriously injured and would probably have to lay in my bed for a week or two.

Taken that I couldn't walk the first two days, tallboy had given Veronica the job of bringing me food, which she wasn't quite happy about. She always made sure to place a tray with food on my nightstand before I woke up so she wouldn't have to talk to me. But it is only a matter of time till I can walk again and then she won't be able to escape me.

Days passed but I was eventually able to move around on my own. I decided to go talk to Veronica so I knocked on her door.
She didn't open so I knocked again. "Coming!" I heard from her room.
When she opened the door her smile faded when she saw me. "Jughead... what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to rest in your bed?" She asked avoiding eye contact. "I really wanted to see you, I- I'm not sorry that I told you how I feel but I'm sorry if I said it too early or if it made you feel uncomfortable" I said my leg starting to hurt from standing too long. "Jughead... okay come inside" she said letting me in. "Thank you, can I sit?" I asked her. "Yeah of course" she said as I quickly sat down. "So...?" I asked. "I'm happy you told me Jughead, it's just that... I um... I don't. Really." She hesitated. Then a tear rolled down her cheek. "I just don't really know if I'm ready..." she said as more tears ran down her burning cheeks. I put my arm around her. "And that's okay Veronica. Listen, I will wait for whatever time you need. I just have to know, is it because you're not ready or is it because you just don't like me?" I asked her. She stopped crying, then she almost looked scared. "I think-" she got interrupted by Toni walking in the door. She stopped when she saw us. "Oh, I'm so sorry guys, I'll come back later." When she was just about to leave Veronica stood up. "No Toni, I'll come with you. Didn't you have something to tell me?" Veronica asked giving big hints to the fact that she wanted to get away from me. "Well, yeah but it can wait" Toni replied. "I don't think it can" Veronica said as she took Tonis hand and walked out the room.

So close...

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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