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I'm going to post a few Prologues and check the interest in the various stories. Depending on which ones get the most support, I will make an upload schedule. I kinda wanna write all of my ideas but there aren't enough hours in the day xD

Anyway, here is the Prologue for Doctor's Wolf. Let's see how you like this since a few people voted for it in the Trials story. I might also go back to some of the ideas I had in the Alchemy Lab. Let's see...



"Jake?" Kaya's voice echoed through the Black residence as she hurried down the stairs. Her younger brother had promised to join her in Seattle today to look for a birthday present for their father before she had to go back to Stanford on Monday. She was currently in her last semester of her double degree in mechanical and electrical engineering "Jake? Are you ready to go?"

Jacob blinked at his sister in bewilderment "Go where?"

"You promised to go to Seattle with me," Kaya pointed out, her excited smile slowly falling from her face. Why did she even try anymore? Ever since the Cullens left Jacob was completely and utterly in love with Isabella Swan, the resident vampire lover. He was so in love with her that he forgot his older sister most of the time. Kaya for her part didn't really have many friends. Not even in the pack... Since she was the only girl who ever shifted in the history of the tribe, she was the odd one out. That was one of the reasons why she had been excited to finally spend some more time with her brother. Since Kaya first turned into a wolf, she found that she absolutely hated to be alone. It got worse after her mother died when she was small but now it was practically off the charts. Most days, she didn't even feel like leaving the reservation if there was no one with her. Which was pretty bad considering that she was away from the pack and her family for most of the year. University was extremely stressful, especially since she was easily the youngest person there. Kaya had somehow finished school when she was fifteen and had gotten accepted to Stanford and MIT. Ultimately, she had chosen to go to Stanford since it was closer to home and to her father. She had just shifted before she was set to leave for her last year there... It really did make her life harder than it had to be.

Sometimes Kaya felt really guilty for not telling Jacob about their heritage but according to the Elders, he had to find out for himself. The pack was strictly need-to-know and so far only the Elders and the four wolves were aware that the legends were a bit more than legends. Sam Uley was the first to shift which automatically made him the Alpha. Then it was Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote before Kaya shifted about a month after Paul. She couldn't really remember anything but being incredibly angry and hurt before there were voices inside of her head, telling her to calm down. It turned out to be Sam... He talked the eighteen-year-old down and managed to get her to turn back. At the beginning, she hung out with them for a bit but Kaya soon found that they weren't very keen on having her around when they were doing 'boy's stuff', so she holed herself up at home or in her dorm room, only really leaving her house when the Elders scheduled a meeting or when Sam wanted her to go on patrol.

The rest of La Push thought that Sam started a cult or something and that they were all taking drugs to get so buff. It was quite funny, actually... How people would only see what they wanted to see. No one noticed the wolves howling in the forest at night...

"We talked about getting Dad something from that shop he has been talking about since Christmas," Kaya murmured.

Jake scratched the back of his neck sheepishly "Bella is coming over later on. I told her we'd hang out. Can we – I mean, how about we go tomorrow?"

The eighteen-year-old shook her head "Dad is leaving for the fishing trip tomorrow morning. And I have to go back to university on Monday. If we don't get it today, he won't get it till after his birthday." When Jacob looked about ready to apologize again, Kaya just held up her hand, grabbing her car keys from the small table by the door "Don't bother, Jacob. I'll go by myself." Just because Jake was being an ass, didn't mean that she didn't want to get her father a special something. The small shop was actually a utility store of some kind that had unique fishing gear. Billy's birthday was in two days and since he's leaving tomorrow, she wanted him to get it by then. Maybe he could use it to impress his friends. Old Quil, Harry Clearwater and Chief Swan would join the Black patriarch on his trip, so he would be with his friends for the whole weekend until Monday evening.

As she was driving away from the Res, a monstrous red truck approached the house. Kaya never really liked the truck, so she was kind of glad when her Dad decided to sell it to Chief Swan's daughter. The only thing that car was telling her was that Bella was coming to see her brother and he would forget all about the promise he broke. Paul usually called the Swan girl a leech lover which seemed to be a really fitting nickname for her. Vampires were not only extremely dangerous but their smell was nauseating to the wolves. They smelled sickly sweet, similar to what fermented fruit smelled like.

Kaya had just crossed the Forks border when said smell entered her nose. Her head snapped to the side to try and spot the vampire, while her hands jerked at the steering wheel. The car swerved and rolled over several times before coming to rest against a tree. Kaya was completely passed out in the driver's seat, the wounds on her face and leg bleeding sluggishly.

Suddenly, the area lightened up with a silver glow. A crack was forming not too far from the wreck, tendrils of silver reaching out, wrapping themselves around the eighteen-year-old's body. Just when she was about covered, there was a bright flash and the car was empty.

Far away in another world, on the other side of the ocean from the wreck, the same light appeared several feet in the air. The injured girl was dropped onto a busy London street. A taxi driver who was unlucky enough to be just under the light, stomped onto the breaks when he heard a thud if something or someone hitting the roof of his car. Outside, screams sounded when people from all around ran over to help the unconscious girl who just appeared out of nowhere. No one questioned where she came from, no one even saw the light... She was just there.

Alright, so to make some things clear. The crack will be explained in a few chapters when she finds out that she's in another world but it's NOT the same as the crack that was in Amy's wall. Since those erase people from reality. This one obviously didn't do that, so they're not the same.


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