Chapter 23: Half of My Heart

Start from the beginning

"I regret it! I never should have let you go. I- I was so stupid. Somehow I thought I could get you back! But it was too late. I saw you walking around that one early morning, on the street... but then I saw you with... her... holding hands." She admitted. I turned my head to meet her eyes.

"I thought I lost you forever, which I did. I could see how in love you were with her. It made me hate her. That's why I snapped at her yesterday that I saw you eating with her at the cafe." She said, "When management came up with this scheme... I thought I could win you back!" 

"It's too late now. You had your chance back then." I said through gritted teeth. I turned on my heel to walk away when Selena grabbed my hand, turning me around. I stared down at her, my eyes full of anger.

"What's going on, I heard shouting and I tho-" Ryan comes barging in.

"I'm in love with Dae... I love her." I said, knowing that I do.

Selena wouldn't let go. She grabbed each side of the collar on my jean jacket, pulling my lips to hers. I pulled away quickly, shocked by what just happened. I couldn't believe she just did that.

And to add on to that... From all the fuss and shouting and confessing we had gone through, I hadn't noticed the front door was open, a confused, heartbroken Dae standing on my doorstep. Why was she here?

That last question left my thoughts immediately, realizing that Dae saw what just happened.




I remember I told Justin before I left the cafe, that I'd see him today. I even texted him this morning. Today was the day I wanted tell him. I had this feeling that he would understand.

I knew he would be waiting for me. I wanted to surprise him and be earlier than I should have been.

I stood on the porch, and as I reached out to knock, I heard voices on the other side, shouting. It sounded like Justin... And...


Why was she here? Did he forget I was coming over? 

I reached out, turning the handle. It was unlocked so I opened it slowly, my eyes stinging once I took in the image I saw before my eyes. 

Selena had her hands on Justin's collar, pulling him to her for a kiss. His eyes were closed, his hands on her hips. I couldn't believe what I saw. Tears flooded my eyes, running down my cheeks like a waterfall. He quickly pulled away staring at her in disbelief. I didn't care. 

He turned his attention to the door, realizing my presence. 

"This is not what it looks like. Dae, you have to trust me. I don't love anyone but you... Dae, I-" He admitted trying to get me to look at him. His hands were around the sides of my arms, but one let go taking my chin instead. He lifted my gaze to his.

"I- I can't do this right now." I whimpered, trying to avoid staring into his golden brown eyes. I turned around to walk down the porch steps, but Justin took a hold of my hand. I stood motionless, but in one swift move, I shook his hand off of me. I walked away, not looking back.


I lay in my bed, curled up. I was crying all night. I knew something was going to happen. Even if we both thought it wouldn't, it did.

I sat up and wiped away at my tear-stained face. Crying wasn't going to help me. So I stopped, though it took some time.

I looked over at the bedside table, observing my iPhone. It was ringing, flashing and buzzing countless times. I didn't want to pick it up, and hear that voice. Because that was all it took for me to come running back to him. But I couldn't do that. It just didn't work out that way. She kissed him and he kissed back. 

I knew she was trying to get him back. All the signs were there.

This was proof.

All of the voices in my head yelled at me for second-guessing. But now I knew.

I finally knew, and it was too late, because I lost.

I moved closer to my night stand and picked up my phone, even though I didn't want to. The screen showed 9 missed calls, 3 texts and a voice-mail from Justin. 

I didn't want to listen to the voice-mail so I just went straight into the messages.

*Please let me explain.*

*Dae, answer the phone, please?*

*Whatever happens, I'll always love you.*

The last one saved what little I had left of my heart. I knew he did love me and that he still does. But I couldn't take this at all anymore. It was just too much. 

I love him, but things just started to get complicated as soon as he started management's scheme. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong.

Thinking I could handle this made it worse. I got myself into this mess, I had to get myself out, even if it hurt.

If we were meant to be, then time couldn't stand between us.

© 2012 ILLUKEMINATl. All Rights Reserved.


Honestly, I didn't want to do it, but I had to. There were about 2-3 scenarios I had in my mind, but this one fit the best. Don't worry.

It's gonna get worse before it gets better.

I think that's a quote? LOL, Anyways, I was sad during this chapter, but I've got it down and planned out.

You just have to wait and see :)

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