He breaks up with you

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You guys got into an argument because Niall was too busy and you thought it was time you guys should end things because he was far too busy for you anymore. "If you were in my position you would understand the fricking situation!" Niall shouted at you. "I do understand, although I may not be in your shoes. You need to leave right now" You spat. As much as you were hurt, you thought that Niall just didn't understand that since he was so busy that you thought he had no time to be with his girlfriend. "I'll make your bloody life easier! We're through!" Niall hissed. "Okay fine!" You yelled back. That was the end of yours and Niall's relationship.


You two got into a huge argument because he was cheating on you with Danielle. "Liam why the bloody hell would you do that?!" You cried. "At least I actually feel loved. When I'm with you I feel like trash, but with Danielle I feel like I'm in heaven." Liam spoke loathly. "I don't see you smiling like an idiot when you're with this little piece of trash." You spat looking at Danielle with hatred in your eyes. You couldn't believe that Liam said things that weren't even true about you. "That's it I've had enough we're done. If she breaks your heart don't go running back to me cause I will never help you. After what you've done to me" You spat and stormed out of the flat.


You and Louis were having a serious talk, but Louis wasn't listening he was to busy texting someone. "Louis who are you texting?" You say getting irritated. "No-one" he said coldly. "Louis. You are clearly texting some other girl that is more prettier than me" You mumbled. "Right, this girl isn't as pretty as you." Louis said sarcastically. "You are full of crap honestly." You spat. "Y/N. I'm not full of crap." He blurted. "You actually are. I'm not having this stupid argument with you." You snapped, you crossed your arms and put them on your thighs. "Whatever. At least you know how I feel when you are texting someone which is most likely your boyfriend your cheating on me with." He snapped. You raised your eyebrows and stood up. "Louis! I cannot believe that you think he is my boyfriend! I was texting my best friend from back home!!" I shouted. "Okay yeah, I'm sorry I said that but seriously, I could be texting my girlfriend.. I mean sister and something could've happened to her." He hissed. "Your GIRLFRIEND!?" You Yelled. "YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LOUIS! THAT IS IT I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" You demanded. Louis grabbed everything and left you, you cried so much.


You were at your shared home, you moved in with Harry a while ago (5 months ago) everything was going great, but until Harry started to go out and one day he didn't go back to the house you texted and called him but he didn't answer. One day you go to Y/F/N's house, you couldn't believe your eyes. You say your boyfriend sleeping on the sofa with your friend. "Harry? Y/F/N?" You say almost in a whisper, your eyes were starting to get glossy making your vision blurry. "It's not what it looks lik-" you cut Harry off. "Just stop. We're through you can live with my friend here, and I'll just find a place to stay" you yelled at him as you shut the house of your ex friend's house. You packed your bags and moved in with your best friend Niall's house at least he wouldn't leave you, you were glad he cared and you were glad that he wasn't ever going to leave you.


You were in a argument with your boyfriend Zayn because he had been seeing another girl and hasn't said anything about it. "Zayn you can't just see any girl you want when you have a girlfriend!" You spat. "I can do whatever I want!" Zayn hissed at you. "Stop acting like a jerk! I'm your bloody girlfriend Zayn!!" You cried out, tears were forming in your eyes. You breathed in and out so you don't burst into tears. "I'm acting like a jerk? You're acting like a tramp!" Zayn spat at you. You bursted into tears. "That's it I never want to see you again you prick!" You cried out. You left yours and Zayn's flat you used to share and you decided to move into your friend's (Harry's) house.

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