Your his sweetheart

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"Noooooo let me go.." Louis mumbled as he tried breaking free from Paul, but it was hopeless. He turned his head back to the many flights of stairs. "Louis, you have a show to get prepared for tomorrow" Preston said to Louis. He sighed knowing that he was right. "That doesn't stop from not being able to cuddle her! Put me down I have a girlfriend to get to" Louis whined trying to get out of Pauls' tight grip on Louis, when he finally realized that Paul and Preston wouldn't let him go to you. He sighed once again and left. With Paul helping him go down the stairs. He was upset that he couldn't go to bed with his sweetheart.

"Don't do that! Please I want her to go with me!" Liam whined. You weren't allowed to go on tour because the management said you always distract Liam. "That's it! Liam. I've had enough of this! She will no longer be able to go on tour!" You heard the management yell at your boyfriend. Liam sighed as a tear rolled down his cheeks. The management didn't let you go on tour, because he was dating a fan and that's why they put Danielle has his fake girlfriend. You were his sweetheart and the management didn't let Liam's sweetheart go on tour with him.


"Let me gooooooo" Harry whined as he tried loosen Prestons' grip. "Harry you have a show to be going to in less than five minutes" Preston said. "I don't want to leave she's my sweetheart! And I will be upset if I can't be with her!!!" Harry said trying to escape Preston' grip but it was hopeless. He sighed and went to the others. He was devastated he couldn't be there with you, you were his one and only sweetheart that he'll ever love.

You were sitting at a table in the catering. Zayn was trying to reach you but Paul and Preston wouldn't let him because he had to go on stage in les than four minutes. "STOP LET ME GOOO I WANT TO SEE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Zayn screamed at the security guards. "Zayn for the last time we can't let you do that you have a show to go to" they loosened their grip on Zayn. He ran towards you and hugged you. After he kissed you he leaves to go on stage. He makes it in time so they management weren't mad one bit. He was so happy that they let him go to his Sweetheart before he went on stage.


You two were sitting on the couch cuddling. "Nialler it's time we get going mate" Louis told Niall. "I don't wanna go though" Niall whined. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Niall's wrist gently. "I don't want to go" Niall whined again. "Do you think we do? This our job and you'll have to live with it." Zayn said harshly. Niall sighed and got up he kissed his sweetheart goodbye and left to go on stage

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