3 A.M Playlists | Older!Miles Morales [SM]

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That's because it's our song babe

It came out the year we met

It was the first song I ever sent you

You remembered him sending you Sunflower the week after you became his friend. You were having a rough time in your personal life, and you barely knew Miles enough to want to share anything about it. He didn't push you, but he sent you that song. You remembered he said: This song helps me when I feel trapped or stuck.

You know how much I love and appreciate you, right?

FROM: Miles 💗💓

I think I do

I love you too, by the way


You reached over for your nightstand. Careful not to knock over the glass of now stagnant water, your fingers hooked around your earbuds. You plugged them into your phone and them put them in, and out of all the music Miles had sent you, you turned on Sunflower.

You shut your eyes.

For the first half of the song, you lay there, just listening. Just thinking. Just breathing.

Thinking of how Miles looked when he told you he was Spider-Man when you were both thirteen. How he asked you out as an awkward fifteen year old. How he danced with you at every high school and dance. How he got into the same college as you. How everything worked out and brought you to him, despite it all.

Your phone went off again.

FROM: Miles 💗💓

You still up?

You sent back:

I am
Just listening and thinking about how cute you are

I guess I'm just pretty lucky to be your girlfriend, miles 💗

But I do have a request for the next playlist you make me

FROM: Miles 💗💓

Yeah? Lemme hear it

You quickly opened up YouTube, typed in a song you'd found not too long ago, and copied and pasted it in your messages.

Miles answered twenty seconds later.

FROM: Miles 💗💓



You were struggling to hold in your laughter; you didn't want to wake up your roommate.

Found it all on my own actually

I think it's great

A spider-man version of joy to the world?

Yes please !!


Tried to donate to your gofundme link but it's closed ☹

FROM: Miles




hey I think it's cute !!

FROM: Miles 💗💓

This is so embarrassing

Im going to bed

I love you 💗

FROM: Miles 💗💓

yeah SURE you do

jk I love you too

You smiled. Turning off your music and unplugging your earbuds, you put both objects back on the nightstand. Then, rolling over on your side and wrapping yourself in your thick, fluffy blabkets, you thought to yourself:

I wonder if I can buy a stuffed bear that can hold a specific recorded song. Perfect for Valentine's Day...


p.s this is the song the reader is referring to in case y'all didnt hear the precious beauty

Enjoy & remember to request 💗

SPIDER-MAN IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora