A/N - 1/27/19

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So, uh, what's up guys?

If I'm going to be completely honest, I completely lost this story. I took inspiration from a relationship I was in and it ended really bad and I just don't have it in me to continue the story. I would almost have to completely rewrite it, and I don't necessarily want to do that either if I'm being 100%.

I'm super happy with the love and attention this story got and I'm thankful that it's STILL getting love despite my last updated chapter was like, in July 2017 lmao.

However, I feel like my writing has changed a lot (hopefully for the better) and I've decided to get myself out of this funk I'm in by trying to write again! It might take a while to get back into really writing well, but I started a new story on here.

It's called - He prefers Red

It's gonna be another steamy / romantic love story with some nice rough bdsm shit that I know ya'll like... it's a girl & guy and the whole good girl / bad boy thing going on but hopefully with bit of a realistic twist. Because uh, it's actually based on a real story?? {Idk, if you wanna know more you'll just have to go check it out} 😉💕

I have high hopes for it and if you want to check it out you're welcome too. I hope overall the plot will be better and more interesting all the way around. The first chapter is up and I'm working on the 2nd now, so stop reading this and go read that one haha.

Once again, I'm super thankful and I hope you will love the new story more than this one. ❣️ if you have any questions you can ask, I'll try to get back to you!

But as of right now, this story is finished, and uncompleted.

- Livy 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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