Chapter Eight

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Music pounded against the pavement of the street, so loud it rattled her teeth. Her bones shook in her body every time the base sounded into the air, like a gunshot ringing out in the night. Dev felt an overwhelming urge to leave. After all, the only thing keeping her bound to Casey's wishes was her own stubbornness. She glanced over her shoulder. The faint glow of porch lights lit the path home, and as her eyes came upon the street that led out of the neighborhood, she felt something in her shudder. Except for the occasional street lamp, it was completely dark.

"How long will we be here?" Dev asked, a hint of apprehension in her voice.

"As long as it takes to get the information we need," Casey replied plainly. His eyes traveled over her shoulder. "We're here."

She spun around, coming face to face—or rather face to chest—with a large man blocking the front door.

"Are you kidding me? They have a bouncer?" Ryan exclaimed under his breath, though it was loud enough that the whole group heard it.

Dev took a deep breath and turned her eyes up to meet the man's gaze. She hoped her calm facade would be enough to get them in. "I'm Dev. Brady invited me."

The man's thick eyebrows shot upward and he tilted his head to the side. His gaze landed on Casey, Ryan, and Lukas. "And what about them?"

"Danny said they could come, too."

"This isn't Danny's party," he snapped. "Brady told me a pretty blonde would come to the door. He didn't mention anyone else."

"Maybe he forgot," her jaw ticked and she sent a sharp glare directly at the bouncer.

"Maybe he didn't invite them," his eyes landed on Lukas. "What're you staring at?"

He shrugged, shuffling his feet against the pavement. "Nothing. Just imagining how unfortunate it would be if my father, Lennox Hasten, found out that you were being employed by a minor," he spoke slowly, as if waiting for his words to sink in.

The bouncer shifted his stance uncomfortably. "You don't know anything."

"Really? You think his parties aren't the talk of the town? Everyone knows that his parents are out of town when he throws these ragers."

The man furrowed his eyebrow, mouth hardening. and swallowed hard. "Fine. But only you two get in," he opened the door and stepped aside. Dev and Lukas exchanged surprised looks. "Hurry up before I change my mind."

Quickly, they stepped through the door and into the chaos of the party. She nearly flinched at the volume of the music, which was so loud that the chandelier above them was shaking precariously. Panicked, Dev turned to Lukas. "What do we do?" She yelled.

"What?" He made a motion toward his ears, shaking his head.

"I said: What do we do?"

"I'll call them! We're gonna have to find another way for them to get in!"

She nodded, eyebrows furrowed in worry. Lukas mirrored her expression. "Let's go find—"

"There you are! I thought you'd ditched me!"

Dev spun around, her concerned grimace morphing into one of disgust. She did her best to hide the way her nose scrunched itself up when she looked at him, but it proved near impossible. "Hi, Brady," she cooed. Don't throw up. Don't throw up. Don't throw up. She flashed him a smile, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Lukas make a gagging motion.

"I really wish you would tell me your name."

She found herself biting her bottom lip nervously. It seemed to attract Brady's attention. In an effort to distract him, she spoke. "Dev. My name is Dev."

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