Chapter Seven

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    Dev shivered, wrapping her arms around her now bare shoulders. Even inside it was cold, and her short sleeves were doing nothing to help. If it had made any sense, she would've layered up as much as possible, but Ryan was right. If she was going to score them an invite to this party, she needed to look as attractive as possible, and unfortunately for her, most superficial teenage guys did not find long sleeves and sweat pants attractive at first glance.

She started inside and shot an apprehensive glare behind her. Casey and Ryan gave her an encouraging thumbs up, while Lukas bowed his head and met her eyes. She took a steadying breath and nodded, then returned back to her mission.

Her eyes searched the pizzeria for the faces the boys had shown her, and finally, in the middle of the room, she found them. They were huddled together at a round table, just enough seats for only them. Looks like they didn't have an issue cutting Gianna out of their group, she thought to herself, trying with great effort to conceal her disdainful grimace.

Dev forced herself to stick to the plan. Without so much as glancing at them, she walked to her table, "accidentally" brushing against Danny Garber as she did so. She apologized quickly and took her seat, but she could feel a set of eyes burning into her back. Once she glanced up again, she realized that it wasn't Danny who was staring at her, but Brady Carpenter.

She whipped out her phone and dialed Casey's number. "Hey," she whisper-yelled into the speaker. "This is not what was supposed to happen."

"What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes. "What I mean is we were supposed to get Danny to invite me, not Brady. He has a girlfriend! And besides--" She risked a look at him again. His gaze was still fixed on her intensely as he licked his lips, eyes roving over her body. She swallowed hard, disgust twisting her stomach, and tore her gaze away. "I don't like the way he's staring at me."

"He's a creep. No girl likes the way he's staring at them."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement," she scoffed. Dev returned her attention to the table once more. Lissa was shooting her an icy glare that could cut diamonds. "I think his girlfriend's noticing. Help. Me."

"What are we supposed to do?" He asked helplessly. She cold envision him throwing his arms into the air.

"Oh, I don't know. Let me leave? We'll find some other way to get invited to his stupid party."

"This is our only chance. We need this to work. Don't blow it."

She slumped down in her seat, attempting to hide herself from Brady. The way his gaze bore right through her made her feel naked. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one being undressed by some creep's eyes," Dev glanced down at her clothes. "I'm not even in a tank top."

"It shouldn't matter," he said angrily. She felt herself smile. "Just try and sit this out."

The line went dead, and she turned her phone off angrily, sliding it into her pocket. Brady was still staring at her, somehow more creepily than before—if that was even possible—and she sent an unreturned help-me glance out the window.

Dev sat there for ten minutes, but his eyes never strayed from her. She had grown used to his girlfriend's cold stare by now, but Brady's was only becoming worse. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and then, finally, she stood up.

Her phone began to buzz. She answered it. "What are you doing?" asked Casey's angry voice, tight with annoyance.

"I'm not putting up with this," she mumbled into the speaker, then promptly ended the call and tucked her phone out of sight.

Dev passed Brady's table quickly, nearly making it by them when she felt a hand grab her forearm. Resisting the instinct to yank it out of his grip, she smiled.

"I don't think I caught your name," he drawled, voice smooth as honey.

"I don't think I gave it to you." She almost slapped a hand to her mouth, but by then it was too late. It was impossible to hide her disgust.

He let out a mirthless laugh, one he had obviously used often, and stood to meet her. His face was mere inches from hers and she took a subconscious step back. "I'm having a party tonight at seven. Be there?"

"What makes you think I'd want to go?"

He raised his eyebrows, then glanced back at his girlfriend. She was practically seething, but she didn't seem surprised. Dev almost felt bad for her. "Maybe we'll get to see more of each other."

She felt bile rising in her throat, a knee-jerk reaction that had happened just as quickly as when she saw Gianna's dead body a few days before. She tried her best to swallow it discretely and let a reluctant smile slip onto her lips. "Fine. See you there," Dev turned to leave and made a straight path to the exit.

"Bring your friends!" She heard Danny call from behind her. She let out a relieved sigh and pushed through the glass door, feeling herself relax as the cold air bit at her skin. Having a pair of prying eyes on her was something she'd never miss.

"Jacket," Dev demanded as she rounded the corner, holding her arm out expectantly. Once she felt the soft fabric hit her hand, she slipped her coat on as quickly as she could.

"So?" Casey asked her. He was practically jumping with anticipation.

"We're going to the party. All of us. No thanks to you guys," she shot the boys a glare but they only returned it with cheeky grins. "You're terrible."

"We know," Lukas said, though he couldn't contain his smile.

"Good work in there."

"You owe me," she growled at Casey. "You'll forever owe me. That's the last and only time I let myself be stared at like that."

"Deal," he held out his hand for her to shake but she didn't take it. Instead, she pursed her lips and gave him an angry stare.

"We should go." Dev suggested, voice void of enthusiasm.

"Yeah," said Ryan. He let out a nervous laugh and shot Casey a warning glance. "Wouldn't want to be late."

Accidentally On Purpose (ONC Entry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang