Chapter Two

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       The walk to the forest took half an hour. The sun had set long before they reached the tree line and the snow reflected the glare of their flashlights like a ghostly beacon. Dev tried to ignore the shadows it cast on the trees, but it proved difficult. Her brain seemed set on scaring the life out of her before it could be taken by some old bum hiding out in the abandoned house they were about to explore.

She focused on the path of footprints ahead of her. They formed an errant line in the snow, twisting between trees and curving over hills. Dev squinted in an attempt to make out the formless shapes hovering over the horizon, but didn't let herself imagine what they were.

"You scared?" She spun around to see Ryan smiling at her, glasses pressing grooves into the tops of his cheeks.

"Not really."

"Pfft, she's lying." Interjected Casey as he passed them by. "She's probably scared out of her mind right now."

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe you are. I just don't want to get caught."

"None of us do." Ryan said. "Especially not Lukas."

She saw him pause for a moment, steps halting in the snow. Then, as if nothing had happened, he continued on. Dev gave her brother a confused look.

"His dad's a cop." He whispered, leaning closer to her. "He'd kill him if he found out."

"So why's he taking the risk?"

"Because I can't just sit in my house in this small town and do nothing." He said, voice reverberating off the trees. "I'd rather see the world through my own eyes instead of through a window."

"Do you guys do this kind of stuff on the daily?" 

Lukas shrugged, eyes meeting hers for an instant from over his shoulder as he walked. "A few times a week, maybe."

She raised her eyebrows, glancing around at her surroundings. "Do you guys know where we're going?"

"Yes," said Ryan, sounding far too sure of himself.

"Fine. How much further?"

"Uhhh, Lukas, how much further?" Ryan looked up to the hazel-eyed boy.

"Half a mile."

"Half a mile." He repeated to her. "See, we know."

Dev shook her head and stared at the snow. Large paw prints dotted the ground. "Do you think there are bears out here? Maybe we should have driven . . . "

"Try not to worry about it. We'll be fine," Lukas replied, voice nonchalant, though she thought she could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

"Try not to—ugh!" She flopped her arms by her side hopelessly. "'Never mind. I give up."

"Good choice."

The rest of the journey was quiet, save for the occasional dirty joke or curse if someone slipped on ice. It took them another fifteen minutes to reach the house, but when they did, she was already prepared to turn back and go home.

The house was a tall, two-story structure that loomed higher than the trees. The wood was rotting and the roof looked as though it would cave in at any second. An ominous fog floated inches above the ground, and the moon shone brightly on the snow. It was like something out of a horror movie.

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