Understanding How Much God Loves You

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God tells us all about His love in His Word. There are many Bible verses that say so (Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Romans 8:38-39, John 13:1, etc.). He tells us and shows us every day that we are loved, and there is never a day when He doesn't love us. From the moment He created man, He has never stopped loving us.

Think about it. The moment He created Adam in His image, He loved Him and Eve. And even after they have eaten the fruit that God told them not to, He still loved them. He could have killed them for being so disobedient, but He let them live and kept going with mankind. He was upset that our bond has been broken and sin has separated us from Him, but He devised a plan in Genesis 3:15 to save us all from sin and death and bind up the bond that has been broken through His Son Jesus Christ. "And I will put emnity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel."

God didn't have to keep going with mankind, but because of His great love, mercy, and grace, we are saved. He sent Jesus Christ to die for us and destroy sin and death. He died so that the veil between us and God can be torn apart and we can have a relationship with the Heavenly Father again. "And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last. Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." (Mark 15:37-38).

Christ didn't have to do any of this, but out of love He did it willingly. Remember when Jesus took Barabbas's--a murderer--place in being crucified? Yeah, that was Jesus taking our place from being crucified. We deserved all the punishment that Jesus bore because we constantly broke God's heart, and then we have Jesus, Who didn't deserve any death because of His perfect and pure heart. Yet, He willingly took our place to save us and be reconnected with the Father, to have a relationship with the Father like He does (Mark 15:6-15). That's how much God loves us and is willing to sacrifice just for us. He took our place so that we didn't have to pay the price.

And then His love goes even further. Even after everything we've done, after so many times we've broken God's heart, He still wants a relationship with us. He wants us to reconnect and have that bond that once had been lost. And thanks to Jesus Christ, we can. He calls us His children (1 John 3:1, John 1:12-13). We are children of the King and He is our Father. He loves us so much that we can call Him Father. What other God does that?

And nor only that, but even after all the amazing things that He has done for us, He helps us with our relationship, He helps us stay strong, He holds our hands (Isaiah 41:13), He gives us the fruits of the Spirit, He helps us fight against the devil, He fights our battles, He leads us towards the right path, He gently breaks us, He heals us (spiritually, emotionally, and physically), and so much more. The list is ENDLESS! And then He brings us to Heaven where we could live with Him forever and rejoice.

God's love is endless. He never stops loving us. He calls us His, and He is ours. He gave us purpose in life. If you think you have nothing to live for, you do because right next to you--even though unseen-- is a God Who loves you with an everlasting and unconditional love that absolutely nothing can break it. He has a purpose for you because He loves you. When nobody loves you, God does. There's not a moment in your life where you are not loved. He loves you no matter what.

God's love is so unexplainable. We always wonder, "How can the Almighty love a lowly sinner like me?" His love is mind-blowing. He loves us every single day. He wants us to accept it. Meditate on all this. Realize how much He has loved us from the moment He created Adam and Eve. Accept His love.

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