Thank You😁❤

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Thanks y'all for reading all this and going through with me in this Bible study. I'm sad that this had to end😞. I really hope that y'all have enjoyed it, got inspired by it, and realized how much God loves you.

He has really spoken a lot to me in this Bible Study and I never would've done this without the Holy Spirit guiding me, so I'd like to thank Him for the Bible Study and the idea of putting the study in Wattpad for others to see. I really hope He has spoken to y'all too.

I know that this video may be a little intense, but I thought it was a perfect way to end this study and to show y'all that God is willing to go this far to tell you how much He loves you. Every painful whip and every nail that pierced His skin was for all of us. That could've been us, but Jesus Christ took it for us. Take a moment to thank God for His sacrifice and His amazing love:

Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your amazing love and sacrifice. Thank You that You were willing to pay the price and take away my sins. Thank You for showing me that this is how much You love me. It is amazing that even though I am a sinner, You were willing to sacrifice Yourself for me. I will never forget all that You have done for me.
Lord, help me to accept Your love in my heart. Help me to overcome any obstacle that is keeping me from putting Your love in my heart. And when Your love is in my heart, may it shine bright for others to see.
Your love is like no other.
                In Jesus's Name, I pray. Amen.

Thanks, y'all. Every one of you is amazing. If there is something else you want me to do a Bible Study on, please let me know and I'd be happy to do so. Until next time.
God loves you and God bless you!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Dear Lord,
Thank You for this amazing Bible Study and for letting me share it with other people. This has been so much fun and I loved every second of it. And thank You so much for all the people that have read this. More people read this than I thought there would be, so that made me really happy. I pray that they realize how much You love them and that together, we can share Your love with the world. More people need to know about Your everlasting love.
                In Jesus's Name, I pray. Amen.

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