"Sir, can I ask you a question?" I prompted suddenly. The professor's eyes lit up curiously. "Of course child, ask whatever you'd like to know" I bit my lip unsure of how to phrase the question. "It's about Voldemort" I stated promptly but quietly not to alert any of the eavesdropping paintings that hung on the headmaster's walls. A thin line pressed against professor Dumbledore's lips, his hands clasped together pressing against the hardwood of his desk as he leaned forward slightly. "Most do not dare speak of his name" The older professor admitted. I simply shrugged. "I am not like most. I do not see the significance in fearing a shadow of the past" I replied bluntly.

It annoyed me to no end that people were too frightened to so much as utter the name. It clearly showed how weak-minded they were. To believe that speaking someone's name could bring bad luck, it was foolishness.
"I never took you as a bold character Ms. Church but as I see now I was mistaken. What has prompted this inquiry?" "I assume you've already spoken to Harry? That seems like the likely choice considering you already seem to know what happened that night and only me and Harry were entirely present for the encounter. This would explain your reason for summoning me and questioning about my well-being. I'm sure you already know Harry's side of the story" I replied nothing short of casual. "You are increasingly sharp-witted Ms. Church, so I must ask what is your take on the situation?" He pressed curiously. "I don't doubt that he managed to cling to life like a parasite. His determination is strong if nothing. But to survive off drinking unicorn blood...it's low not even I would dream of touching a creature so pure" I admitted my face twisting into an expression of disgust at the end.

An enlightened look crossed the headmaster's face as he readjusted his posture in his seat, slightly leaning back into his chair. "I'm glad to hear these words from you if nothing else... now, what was your question for me?" The old man inquired. "Before...Well I mean back then he spoke to me but he wasn't really speaking more like..." I trailed off gesturing my hands towards my head as if to indicate something. Professor Dumbledore seemed to immediately understand, his eyes glittered as he took in my confession. "The dark wizard was extremely skilled in all known aspects of magic. Legilimency and Occlumency were few of his many expertise"

"I couldn't get him out of my head. I tried so hard but it was like he saw right through me" I confessed. Dumbledore didn't respond instead he simply remained quiet, opting to hear me out. "That... Man, he gave me this feeling it, angered me I don't know why. Maybe I was scared, but I wasn't afraid of him so I don't understand" It didn't really surprise me when Dumbledore said his next words. He was always sophomoric and logical, one of the reasons why the headmaster often offered the best advice. It was always left for you to interpret. "Perhaps, Ms. Church, you are not afraid of him but afraid of yourself. You are not afraid of the darkness but of succumbing to the darkness" When I thought about his words I got confused. Yes, I am worried about what I might become subconsciously, what I might turn into if I weren't careful but was it really that obvious to the professor in front of me? Could he really see how badly it affected me? I often tried my best not to show how truly concerned I was but as I see it now nothing could get past this headmaster, he was far too clever and far too wise.

"Headmaster, do you think...I'm dangerous?" I asked, the slightest bit of concern etched into my expression. The bearded professor leaned forward on his desk. "I have seen many students pass through these halls, every single one of them had good potential but it was not up to me whether they used it or not. Dangerous is simply a term used to describe potential that was not followed through with. Dangerous is good education used for a misguided purpose" he explained thoroughly. I took the opportunity to let his words sink in. "Thank you, Professor, for the tea is well. I should be going now" I informed him currently. The headmaster nodded, smiling kindly. "You are welcome here anytime. My doors are always open to you Ms. Church" I briefly thanked the headmaster, turning to leave his office. As soon as I was out I exhaled in relief, making haste towards the common room.

A vampire at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now