Archie Andrews X Reader

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The delicate smell of peppermints and gingerbread caused me to awaken from my sleep. My eyes slowly opened, revealing a softly snoring ginger, MY softly snoring ginger curled up next to me. I smiled softly as I watched his chiseled chest rise and fell with every breath.

Absentmindedly, I took my finger and traced Archie's jaw slowly. After tracing it, I ran my finger over his Adam's apple and down to his chiseled chest. His eyebrows furrowed at this, and Archie slowly opened his eyes.

"(Y/N)..." He said breathlessly.

I smiled a bit and whispered, "Good morning."

Archie smiled.

"Come on, let's go back to sleep," Archie whispered and proceeded to snuggle more into the blanket we shared.

"Archie, what if it's late?" I asked, and looked out the window. But what I saw made my eyes widen with excitement.

It was snowing!

I tapped Archie furiously, making him sigh deeply.

"Archie it's snowing!" I exclaimed and hopped out of bed and swiftly put on my clothes from the night before. I went through his closet and found some winter clothes and threw them at Archie, who was under the covers.


"Archie come onnnnn!"

It was silent for a few seconds until a mere whisper was heard from below the covers.

"Fine." Archie took off the blanket from on top of him and began putting on the clothes that were thrown at him.

"Finally!" I muttered under my breath, which Archie heard. In a matter of seconds, a scarf was thrown over me and wrapped around my waist. Archie pulled the scarf, drawing me over to him. We stared deeply into each other's eyes, and soon, our lips met.

The winter wind blew harshly as Archie and I ran outside. Immediately, I dug my hands into the snow and quickly shaped a snowball. As I turned around to find Archie, he had already formed a snowball and was waiting for me.

"Too late." He said with a smirk. I turned to run away, but a cold, wet ball of snow had stopped me in my tracks.

"You hit me!" I yelled, laughing as I continued to form my snowball. Archie held his hands up in surrender, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Too laaaate." I mocked him, brought my arm back to throw.

As soon as I threw the snowball, Archie took a few steps to the left, dodging the snowball.

"Good luck trying to hit ME!" Archie said while digging his hands in the snow, forming a ball, and running away.

"Oh, you're ON!" I shouted.

"Here. With marshmallows and peppermint, as you like it."

A cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of me, while Archie came around the couch and sat down next to me. I snuggled closer to him and smiled as he grabbed a soft red blanket and draped it over us.

"Playing in the snow, hot chocolate, cuddling by the fireplace," I looked over at the fireplace then back to Archie, "the perfect end to one of the most perfect days."

"You're right," Archie replied and sipped on his hot chocolate. As he looked up from his hot chocolate, a small chocolate-milkstache was above his mouth.

I giggled, as Archie looked at me confusingly.

"What's the matter? Something wrong with my face?" Archie asked, and arched his eyebrow and made a quirky smile, making me burst out laughing, almost spilling my hot chocolate.

I brought my hand up to his face and with my thumb, I removed the hot chocolate from his upper lip and lick it with a smile.

We stared at each other for a second, both because of what had just happened and because of how close we were. The crackling of the fireplace was all that was heard as we stared into each other's eyes for the second time today. But this time was special. Archie tentatively put a warm hand on my rosy cheek. He closed the gap between us and put his lips on mine.

Aww, mah uwus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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