Timey Wimey The Doctor X Reader

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   Level 1!

When the sun started to set, you walked to your friend (Y/F/N) house for some stargazing. Her parents are in love with space and had just bought a telescope.

   Her house was only 4 houses down from yours, so you took your time getting there. Suddenly, you heard a window open, and you looked towards (Y/F/N)'s house to see an angry (Y/F/N) on the roof of their second-floor house.

"Just a few more steps! You'll get here any day now! Just 10 more YEARS!" she yelled.

"Just taking my time, trying not to miss anything on the way!" you yelled back.

Rolling your eyes, you walked faster towards their door. Her parents politely let you in, and you made your way towards (Y/F/N)'s room and knocked.

She let you in, and she went into the closet and got two fluffy blankets, a picnic blanket, and a picnic basket, before dropping it on the ground.

"Hey, a little help?" (Y/F/N) said. You picked up the basket and looked inside, revealing 2 sodas, some sandwiches, and some fruit. Both of you carefully walked on the roof, trying not to fall off. It was flat, but you were still careful.

She looked up and made a face. "Almost forgot the telescope!", she ran back inside. It was starting to get dark, so you looked at the sky and tried to find the Big Dipper.

You almost found it, but a moving light distracted you. It was moving around frantically and started moving downward, towards the earth. It was moving fast, and it started catching fire. It hit the ground with a quiet bang.

At that moment, (Y/F/N) came out with the telescope.

"Miss me?" she said.

"No, not very much." you joked.

You both started stargazing, but you weren't really interested. You were really interested in what fell from the sky.
The next day-

At 6 am, you woke up and rode your bike towards where the mysterious light fell. You started getting a bit scared. What if it was an alien and it might kill you?

You were getting close to the woods, where it fell. Slowly, you started walking in, getting more scared by each step. Suddenly, you saw a flash of blue. You hid behind a tree, ready to bolt for your life. But curiosity killed the cat.

You ran towards it.

Then, you heard a stick break behind you. You started walking backward, towards the flashing blue, hoping it was a gun or something. You fell on a big, metal box...

It was the Tardis.

You were in shock. Was this the real Tardis? Or some cheap, thing for a roleplay? You got out of your daze when you heard the most familiar voice.

"Shh, it's ok. I won't hurt you.".....

It was The Doctor.


Which doctor was it? The 12th or the 10th? You were always confused about that, with you being a brand new fan, and didn't really pay attention to the differences of The Doctors.

"A-are you The Doctor?", you studdered on your own words.

"Why yes, I am," he replied. "Can you help me with something? My Tardis got lost and crash landed here, and I need to get it up and running," he asked with his accent.


You and The Doctor fixed up the Tardis, and 30 minutes later, it was fixed.

"Thank you so very much.", he went to hug you. "And to repay you for fixing my Tardis, would you like to come with me and have an adventure?" he was holding out his hand.

(very cheesy thing to say. I was writing this at 12 am and I was not thinking straight. DON'T JUDGE MEH!)

You thought for a moment. This was the chance of a lifetime! Meeting The Doctor, going on a journey, what else could you possibly imagine?

But this guy could possibly be a Pedo.... Or a rapist, or insane person who just broke out of jail and looked just like one of the doctors.

But again, curiosity killed the cat.

You took his hand and entered the Tardis.

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