Jared Leto X Reader

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Um, everything in this imagine was a dream that I had. I'm surprised with myself, honestly. My dreams are usually about me going to Jupiter or something 🤣. Plus, I also feel like I dreamed about this because of JARED BEING IN A GODDAMN GUCCI GUILTY COMMERCIAL!?!?!?!? (vid above)

I woke up at 4 in the morning and couldn't sleep until 5:30 trying to analyze this dream. Soooo, here's the best I could give. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(P/N)= Parents name
Lvl 2!
  Who knew my mom (sorry if you don't have a mom) knew celebs! Of course, she never told me. She would just say,

   "I'm meeting someone in LA, the house is yours for a month. Keep it clean, and there's $500 on the counter. Bye!"

   I had my own apartment because I was 24, but when she was gone, I had to go to her house at least 3 times a week.

   After pulling up into my driveway, I noticed a different car in the driveway. I swear if mom got a new boyfriend.....

   As I opened the front door, I walked right into something. I looked up and realized it was a person. Looking up, my eyes widened. I guess I missed the memo that Jared Leto was in our house!

   "I-I-I'm sorry," Wow, nice first impression, (Y/N)! "Excuse me." I walked into the house without hearing what he had to say.

   I ran around the house frantically trying to find mom.

   "Mom!" I yelled. As I turned a corner, I walked right into her. She almost fell, if I wouldn't have taken an extra step to catch the 5' 3" woman.

   "Second time in 5 minutes," I muttered.

   "(Y/N)!" She embraced me in a large bear hug. "How are you?"

   "I'm good, mom. Just one question though. Why is Jared Leto in our house?!" I whisper-yelled.

   "I'm working with him. We're making a commercial downtown, and I offered for him to stay here. He's pretty nice when you get to know him."

   Aaaannnd we're off topic.

   "You don't remember that I said about my crush on him!" More whisper-yelling.

   "Yeah! That's one of the reasons I let him stay. So I can watch you become jelly at the sight of him. Gotta blast!" She walked back into the backyard. I sighed at my mother's words and turned around to go upstairs. I saw a figure behind me and I abruptly stopped before running into him.

   "This is not happening again," I said.

   He chuckled. "Hi, I'm Jared. Do you live here?" He asked kindly.

   "Yeah, I'm (P/N)'s daughter."

   "Oh okay!" He was still talking, but I wasn't listening. I was looking at his features. He had chocolate brown hair combed to his left. Shiny blue eyes that reminded me of the sea. No blemishes. Beautiful fair skin tone.

   I didn't realize I was looking at him for a long time until he was waving his hand in front of my face.

   "Oh! I'm sorry! I was daydreaming." I sheepishly said, a blush overcoming my face.

   He smirked, "Its okay. I'm gonna go finish unpacking."

   "Do you need help?" NO (Y/N) NO!!!

   "Yeah," He rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand, "I might need help."

   We walked upstairs and entered the guest room, which happened to be next door to my "room" that I rarely went into. He opened the door, walked in, and placed the suitcases he had on the bed. He opened the bags and began separating.

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