Chapter 12: Shackles

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"Hinami! You're it!" Giggled the blond toddler, running away quickly as not to get caught.

"Hey, No fair! Minato ..." Hinami whined, placing her hands on her hips.

"It's not my fault you suck!" Minato shrugged.

Their banter was cut short after the back door of the house opened. Emi peeked her head at the two toddlers, shaking her head at their argument. Whenever the two were left alone, they were always caught in a dispute of some sort.

"Hinami and Minato, come inside! Dinner's ready." She announced.

"But mom-" Hinami started.

"No buts! Everyone is waiting, and I'm starving!" Emi said, rubbing her large midsection.

After going back and forth, they eventually gave in and made their way inside the house where they were met with loud chatter. Several  servants were coming in and out of the crowded dining room, carrying silver platters that contained different types of cuisines.

"Minato, come sit here between your father and I." Momo said, patting the seat.

During the past couple of years, both women grew closer. The raven haired woman came apologizing profusely to emika after getting the help she needed, after hearing her out she couldn't help but forgive her as she was not in her right state of mind before.

Emi found that she had a lot in common with the other woman, and couldn't help but be joyful when they found out they were expecting.

She loved shoto, she really did but he couldn't possibly understand what its like carrying a child. Emi was absolutely terrified, but momo was always there to soothe her worries.

Minato didn't need to be told twice as he hurriedly ran to his mother's side, and with a little help from his father was able to sit on the high chair.

"I wanna sit with daddy." Hinami said, tugging emi's dress and looking up towards her mother.

She was a replica of her father, her multi colored hair separated in pigtails. The only difference was her eyes, she had her mother's eyes and according to shoto her stubbornness as well.

She argued by saying Hinami was a daddy's girl. She cried every time shoto left for work at age three, and was found fuming whenever his attention shifted towards minato.

Emi, unable to crouch to hinami's level due to her large stomach settled for patting her head.

"Hinami .. you're a big girl, you have to sit in your own chair like minato." Emi reasoned.

"I don't mind." Shoto interrupted, entering the room and greeting everyone who was sat at the table. He continued towards emi, kissing her cheek then bent down to carry hinami.

"Shoto, stop spoiling her." Emi said, clearly annoyed.

"Come on, look at this face." He said, leaning his head against his daughter's. He lightly squeezed her face, and she pouted.

Although she was irritated, emi couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face after an adorable display. "Fine.."


"Haru look at how adorable hina is! we need one." Fuyumi gushed, and pinched the younger girl's cheeks.

Haruto's eyes were wide as saucers, and he started coughing up the water he was having. "Now dear .. we just came back from our honeymoon.."

"No way in hell!" Enji yelled, slamming his hands on the table in exaggeration.

"Father, they're married.. they can have se-" Shoto started.

"STOOOOOOOOOP IT RIGHT THERE! I DONT NEED TO HEAR THIS CRAP! GROSS." Natsu yelled from his seat at the table, plugging his fingers in his ears.

"Well fuyumi, you can have one if you try as hard as momo and I did. We did it every day and nigh-" Katsuki chimed in.

"There are children here! Jesus." Rei said, her expression mirroring enji's pure disgust. They didn't need to know what their children are up to when they're alone.

"Daddy! What do auntie and uncle do all day and night. Do you and mommy do it too?" Hinami asked curiously, looking up at her father expectantly.

Shoto stuttered a bit before blurting "Adult stuff." At that, emi slapped her hand on her forehead.

"I wanna do adult stuff!" she yelled.

"Me too!" minato added.

"Oh hell no!" Hitoshi yelled.

"Dear, calm down!" Naoki said, putting her hand on her husband's shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

"They can do all that, and dad won't even let me get a boyfriend!" Katsumi complained.


They all began arguing again, the dining room was full of loud discussions and banters.

"This is the last time we're having dinner at our house.." Shoto mumbled, eliciting a giggle from emi.

Emi looked around the table and sighed, this was one hell of a family.

As she looked at shoto talking animatedly with hinami, she felt a surge of happiness overcome her. They've both come along way, and it hasn't been easy in the slightest. When her father forced her to marry shoto, she thought it was the end for her .. that she was in shackles, forever bind to a loveless marriage.

It was far from it.. She didn't know it back then, but it was only the beginning.



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You have supported my story from the very beginning! And I cannot be more grateful ❤️❤️

- Avra

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