Hope for the Final escape

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I cry out in pain and I know that when I get out of this hell- hole, the first thing that I'm going to have to do is get some kind of plastic surgery. Hitting the ground with a thud causes a lot more pain to surge through me and come out in tears. 

"Someone help," I say weakly. Trying to get up just causes more cries of pain beyond anything that I have ever experienced in my life. While I am walking, I suddenly feel very self-conscious about my face. It must look like I just got done dancing with a body of bombs. That of course, then exploded. 

"Fantastic," I mumble. I stop walking and look down at myself. My clothes are for the most part burned to where there's almost nothing left. Almost. I look up and start wishing for Austin to come back, be here with me to help me and protect me. Making a silent vow, promising to get him out of here, I start walking. Cracking sounds to my left cause me to turn around. A very bruised figure is walking toward me. They are saying something, but it's too slurred and I can't understand. 

"S-s-s hlp," they say. The voice sounds familiar. When they look up, I see a very burnt looking face, but those golden eyes catch my attention. 

"Preston!" I call. He looks up and starts to rush toward me. As soon as we get within arm's length, he wraps his around me. I hug him back. 

"What happened to you?" He asks. I'm surprised that he doesn't seem to be in much pain. 

"Me?" I ask. "What happened to you? You're a mess!" I reach up to brush his bangs from his face, just to lean forward due to a serious pain from the cut on my hip. 

"Sage," Preston instantly joins me on the ground and begins to look so much more concerned about me than himself. 

"I'm- I'm fine," I stutter. "No worries." 

"No, tell me. It looks as though something exploded and you decided to dance with it." Preston gives a little chuckle. 

"Blue," I gasp. He finishes the sentence for me.

"Lizards, I ran into those, too." 

"How did they get there?" I ask. 

"That would be my doing," says a voice from behind me. I turn and find a clown that doesn't look near as gross as some of the others. 

"Director?" I ask. 

"It would be Mathys, dear," he snarls. "And I sent them to finish you off, Kennedy. Luttenmire's orders." Mathys shrugs as if it's just a matter of orders and business. 

"And yet here she is," Preston chimes in. I give Mathys the Hm, well looks like you suck, type of look. 

"Here I am." I say as Mathys gives me a disgusted look. 

"But now I can finish you off right here, and now-"

"But," I say, interrupting him. "There are, in fact, two of us and one of you, Mathys."

"But I have my brovers, they can take down any man, or in your case, any stupid little teen couple."

I have to stifle a laugh at the name. Then what he says catches my attention.

"Any man?" I ask. Somehow, someway I manage to make the same strange sound that the blue lizards or brovers made. I wait a couple of seconds and it's when the lizards make an appearance that Mathys finally realizes what I've done. They all come and surround him in a circle before crawling up him and layering on him. In a split second, they all explode and Mathys doesn't come back. He's gone. Next to me, Preston is breathing hard. 

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