The First Scare

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I pull up to a little building that looks like an inflamed cookie. Seriously, the walls are rounded on each side, and it has a white strip around the middle. Walking inside, I meet someone with really tall hair that looks like it has been dyed fifty million times. He is standing next to a very large, brown box with a whole bunch of huge, spiraled booklets, that I assume to be scripts. The guy at the desk looks up when I walk up to the table. I notice that he is holding a clipboard with at least a hundred little names on it. But only one sticks out.

 Austin Smith. 

My Middle-High school crush. Oh my God. Not him. He was always too good for me, and he dated the girl who everyone basically worshiped. Shelby Cooper. That was how it went in High school, or how everyone thought it should go. Populars date populars, and wannabees date wannabees and the low class dream of dating populars, but end up dating low class. I was classified as 'WEIRDO.' Don't know why, and don't think that I ever will. 

"Name?" The guy at the desk asks, scaring me out of my little daze.  

"Um... Sorry?"

"What-Is-your-Name?" he asks, chopping up the words real slow, like I spoke Korean or something. Though I probably sounded like it, with the way that I pronounced 'sorry.'

"Oh, sorry, my name is Sage Kennedy." The guys eyes suddenly widened. 

"Th-the Sage Kennedy?" He asks in a breathy kind of voice. He stands up when I nod. "Oh, you have no idea how much of a pleasure it is for me.. uh, for us to have you in this movie, Sage. Uh, here's a script and the room is right over there. Blocking will start tomorrow." I take the script and smile at him.

"Thank you. I am very honored to be invited to play as lead role in this movie." I turn and begin to walk down the hallway when the guys voice calls me back. I stop and slowly turn around. "Yes?"

"I was... just- well, I was just- Okay, so I know that you aren't really famous or anything, but I went to high-school with you, and see, I just love your acting. I was wondering for... maybe an autograph?" He looked real nervous, and must have been, too, because he was sweating down the sides of his hairline. And last time that I checked, it was nowhere near close to hot in here. I cock my head to one side. All of the air seemed to have rushed out of my lungs. An auto graph?

"Excuse me?" I asked, just to make sure that I heard right. It sounded kind of weird, though. Kind of like 'esxusesme?' The guy clasps his hands together, then rakes one through his hair. 

"An autograph?" A small plead of hope sounded in his voice. Wow. I look to the right, and then to the left. Then back at the guy. 

"Uhh, hum... sure?" I say, not really knowing what the right answer was. He pulls out a pen and paper and hands them to me. 

"Thanks, so much, Sage." He blows out a big breath, almost as if he has been holding it for a long time. I quickly sign it with the heart under my name, the one that I always do whenever I am signing anything. Literally.  I give him back the pen and paper and smile.

"You're welcome." As I begin to walk away for the second time, I almost immediately imagine the guy putting up the autograph on his wall and saying goodnight to it when he goes to sleep, and saying good morning when he wakes up. I quickly push that out of my head, though. Time to focus, I tell myself. I walk into the little room and there are two other people there. One middle-aged looking guy with a receding hair-line and a super pale face, and a woman who looks about the same age. 

"Hi, my name is Angel," the woman says, rushing up to me and shaking my hand vigorously. She sounds.. Spanish? "And you are Sage?" I nod my head, just slightly freaking out at her enthusiasm. The guy looks a lot younger up close than from far away. Hopefully, he will only be in scenes up-close. Maybe have a couple good reaction shots. Ha, that would be funny. 

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