Chapter 2 - Promise

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What are these feelings I've been having?

'Dammit, Motoki,' I think to myself, 'Why did you have to tell me Usagi would be a good girlfriend for me?'

Suddenly, I can't get her off my mind. As hard as I try, that stupid, clumsy, meatball-headed, annoying, not-so-bad, loving, caring, beautiful...there I go again!

My damned best friend must have worked some sort of voodoo spell, because I come to the revelation that Usagi really is a great girl, now that I’ve given it some thought. I smile just thinking about her for the millionth time today.

'But these stupid butterflies in the pit of my stomach really need to go, dammit!' I grip my stomach as if it's in pain and lay on my couch. I sigh. Could I really be falling for Meatball Head?

'Don't call her that!' I scold myself, 'If you really do like her, you should try and at least be a little nicer to her...'

...Ugh. Love is so stressful.


After over an hour of getting ready- which usually takes me 20 minutes- I walk out of my door and head to Crown Arcade. Not to see Motoki, but in hopes to see Usagi this time. Today I'll start trying to be nicer to her, and hopefully by the time Christmas comes I won't have to spend it alone...

The Crown doors slide open and I walk inside. Much to my delight, Usagi is sitting in her usual spot, talking happily to Motoki as she sips a milkshake. I already know that it must be strawberry; her favorite. Step one to getting a girl: know what she likes. But what the hell do I know about love?

I take a seat next to my favorite little Meatball Head… erm, I mean, Usagi… and give both she and my best friend a friendly smile. "Hey Motoki, Usagi," I say, though 'Meatball Head' almost slips off my tongue. I see Usagi blink with confusion in those gorgeous blue orbs of hers as she wonders why I’ve called her by her given name.

"Hey, Mamoru..." she says in a surprised voice. I chuckle in my head. She's so cute!

"What can I get you, Mamoru?" Motoki asks. He also looks surprised. What, can't I be nice to a girl that I've realized I have a crush on every once in a while?!

"Eh, hot chocolate would be great, thanks," I say, and while he turns to get my beverage, I look to Usagi. "Cold out there, eh?"

Usagi nods, taking another large sip of her milkshake.

Uhh… what else should I say? "I don't know how you're drinking such a cold drink when it's snowing outside," I say rather nervously. God, get a little dorkier, Mamoru. Way to woo the girl.

Usagi merely shrugs and smiles. "Motoki makes really good milkshakes, what can I say?"

I just laugh softly, looking down at the counter. 'Think, you idiot!' I yell at myself. I've never been so nervous in front of anyone before. I sure wish those butterflies would stop, though. "So, umm… doing anything interesting for Christmas?" I ask. Damn… I really must like the girl to bring up my least favorite holiday. I thank Motoki as he sets my drink down, and he goes to help some other customers.

I see Usagi's eyes light up. "My family always has a huge feast on Christmas!" she exclaims. I smile. "And we always get great presents. This year I didn't ask for very much, though. I don't know why, but I really don't want anything too big this year... that comes in a package, anyway."

"Oh?" I ask, interested. "What is it you want, then? If it doesn't come wrapped up?"

Usagi flushes and looks into her drink, stirring it nervously. "Nothing," she says as a goofy grin appears across her face. I chuckle, but I'm still curious as to what she could possibly want. I don't want to look like an idiot, though, so I let it go for now.

She continues telling me about Christmas at her house, and I sit there and think about how nice this is. I'd never really had a civil conversation with Usagi before, and yet I'd known her for well over a year and I've seen her practically every day. Thinking about it, I just want to start beating myself up for not being nicer to the angel that’s been sitting in front of me…

"What about you, Mamoru? What do you do for Christmas?"

She’s snapped me out of my thoughts and I'm a bit taken aback by the question, but I guess I should have seen it coming. Like she did with her milkshake before, I stare into my own drink. I take a small sip, thinking of how to answer that question.

"I, uhh..." I take a napkin and wipe off the hot chocolate mustache I just gave myself. Usagi giggles. "...I don't really do much of anything, actually."

Usagi's giggle fades quickly, and she looks up at me with astounded eyes. "You don't do… anything?" she asks in disbelief. I confirm the answer to her question by nodding my head. She frowns. "Oh Mamoru, that's so sad!"

I shrug, beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. "It's not that bad, I guess..."

It's then that Motoki comes waltzing back. I'm both relieved and annoyed at this; part of me was glad that I could change the subject with Motoki being there, but part of me wanted to have our alone time together for longer.

"This one hates Christmas, the Scrooge," Motoki explains, motioning to me. I curse at him in my head.

"But you can't hate Christmas!" Usagi says in quite possibly the most stressed-out voice I've ever heard her use, "You just can't! Mamoru, I'll show you a great Christmas this year, I promise."

I blink, and my heart soars. Just those words had already made my Christmas season! God, I've been so mean to her for as long as I can remember, and yet she's willing to spend time with me this December...

I think I'm in love with this girl.

Lonely Christmas - A Sailor Moon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now