" Would you like to come in for a bit?" I gesture them in. Jasper didn't seem interested but Steven cleared his throat, insisting her that she should. She lets out a huff and comes in as she slightly bumps me.

I look at Steven, waiting for him to come in. Instead, he does this. "I'mgonnaleavenowJasper!You'regonnabespendingthenightat(Y/n)'splaceseeyatomorrow!"

Jasper and I look at him surprised. Before we both could have any say in it, he jumps to his lion. We run out to the walkway yelling at him to come back but before we know it, he enters a portal and disappears.

"UGH THIS IS JUST GREAT!" Jasper says in frustration. " I HAVE TO STAY HERE WITH A WEAKLING FOR THE WHOLE DAY! I MIGHT AS WELL JUST WALK MY WAY BACK!" I watch her walk down the stairs when I felt a cool breeze go by and then feel droplets of rain hit my hand. In only a matter of seconds, a light sprinkle turns to heavy showers.

I run down to the parking lot to catch up to her. " Hold on! It's pouring, please come inside."

" NO WAY! I AM NOT GOING TO WASTE MY TIME HERE!" She hisses as she continues walking. I've never met someone so angry before. I forgot how cold being out of the rain was.

"C-come on Jasper! A-at the very least wait t-til it stops raining." I say while shivering. Jasper turns around. "Oh for crying out loud! GO BACK INSIDE! SOMETHING LIKE THIS WON'T SHAKE ME UP!"

God, why is it so cold?! "M-m-make me then!" We both stare at each other, it felt as if time no longer exists. Jasper let's out a frustrated groan as she walks past me and towards the apartment.

"Fine. But only because to avoid the little squirt from lectures."

We get back inside soaked from the rain. I give her a towel before I grab one myself. I head to my room to change into a nice, dry t-shirt and PJ bottoms. I make my way to the kitchen to make something for us to eat.

"I'll start making lunch. I don't have much but I hope you're ok with soup." I say as I look in the pantry. I grab a few cans and present them to her. " Which one do you want; chicken noodle, potato bacon, or Mediterranean turkey?" As I look at Jasper, she seemed to be in a daze. Is she ok?

"Jasper?! Which one do you want?"

"U-uh! I don't care the third one I guess!"

"...Ok?" I grab a small pot and start cooking. After several minutes, I give her the hot soup and start cleaning the pot so I can cook mine. I glance up at Jasper to see if she's enjoying the food. Only to see that she's been staring at me again. I quickly look down to what I'm doing. What is she staring at me for?

As I rinse out the pot one last time, I feel a tight grip on my arm causing me to drop the pot in the sink from the sudden yank.

"H-hey! What are doing?!" I say irritated, but I notice that she seems to be fixed on the scar.

"How'd you get this?" she asks while still keeping her eyes on from it.

" I met a corrupted gem a year ago outside of the apartment." She glances at me. " I don't know why but I tried to approach her so I can pet her but... she didn't like that." Jasper stays quiet for a bit.

" Hmph. You're a lot dumber than I thought. You should be glad that's all it did to you." Just add some salt to that wound why don't ya. "What did it look like?" She asks.

" I guess like you; huge, had orange and teal skin, walked on all fours, had spikes but had a couple where her eyes should be, and what else... oh yea and long white hair! Like yours!"

At this point, she has lowered my arm but still has her grip on me.

"Did it have a name?" She asked in a soft but hoarse tone.

A Human's Best Friend (Reader X Corrupted!Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now