Chapter 8

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1st POV

Where's Jasper?  I ask myself as I get out of bed and look around the guestroom only finding them no where. I get dressed and head down to the dinning room and see Buck. He looks up and says, "Mornin' (f/n)." I give a tired smile and told him good morning as well. He still seems to be wearing his blue plaid Pajama pants and a white tank top. But is still wearing his shades. I look at the table and see two plates with a couple slices of pre-heated pizza from last night. "Is this alright?" "Are you kidding? Pizza is always the best choice for breakfast." 

As we were eating, I look around to see if Jasper was around. It feels empty and quiet without them. "Hey Buck, was Jasper with you while I was sleeping?" Buck took a minute to remember if he did or not, but shook his head afterwards. "No, I assumed they were still asleep." "No, when I woke up, they weren't there." I felt a slight chill go around the room. I shiver from the sudden breeze. Buck felt it too. "Why is it so cold?" I ask, "Did you put the A/C on?" "No." Buck answers back, just as confused as I am. We walk to the back of the house and saw that the back door was left wide open. Buck was about to close it when I stopped him and look down at the ground only to see a trail of footprints. Oh no... I felt my heart sank. "What's wrong?" Buck asks. He looks down as well, shocked. "They go out." I whisper.

Buck and I go around town asking everyone if they had seen Jasper. All of them said no. We even asked Kiki, Jenny, Sour Cream, Sadie, Lars, and Ronaldo. They all said the same thing. I was getting really worried, my mind was racing thinking of the worst things that could happen to them. I begin pacing around at the boardwalk get anxious by the second. Buck just stood there, waiting for me to calm down. Onion walks by and watches me walk frantically back and forth. "Sup Onion?" Buck says calmly, " You haven't seen Jasper around have you?" Onion puts his finger on his chin and looks at the ground trying to remember. Bucky hollers to me, "Hey (f/n)! Onion knows they went!" I instantly stop and look up at them. "Really!?" I ask anxiously.  Buck nods for reassurance. I rush over to Onion kneeling down to his level. "Can you take us where you last saw them please?" he nods and starts walking off towards the edge of the city that leads to the woods. Buck wanted to go but he got a call from his dad to help him with his campaign.

As I follow Onion, I hadn't realize how deep we were going. It felt like we were getting farther and farther away from Beach City. I only noticed that we had been walking for a bout twenty minutes. "Hey Onion, are you sure you saw Jasper go this direction?" He didn't answer, he just gave me a slight glance and continues walking. I guess I'll know when we get there. After another ten minutes of hiking, Onion stop dead on his tracks. "Is this where you last saw them?" I ask a little winded. He looks up at me and points ahead of him. I follow the direction of his finger and as I look forward, my eyes widen in shock. There was Jasper, laying down beside a tree with a few stream sunlight shining through the leaves. I jog towards Jasper happy that they were safe. "Jasper!" I shouted with glee. They lift their head up and gave a light gruff. I kneel beside them and smoothly pet their ruffled mane. "I was so worried. I thought you were gone for good." I place the side of my face on their head. "Why did you take off like that?" Knowing they won't give me straight answer since they can't talk, but hearing them whimper a little bit; they were feeling just as bad for leaving without saying anything. " Let's head back ok, we still need to get ready to head back home." When Jasper and I got up, I heard something hit the ground. I looked and It appeared to be five gems. They were all beautiful to look at. The first one is a golden Scapolite, the second one is a blue Tanzanite, the third one is a green and pink Tourmaline, the fourth one is an orange-red Carnelian, and the fifth one is an army green Titanite. I pick them up and observe them up close. " Is this why you left? To find these?" Jasper didn't respond, they didn't seem to have much of an interest in them at the moment. There must be a reason why they were collecting them. No matter, it'll be a nice collection to bring back home as a souvenir from this place. I go to Onion and handed him the Scapolite. "Here." I said with a smile, "As thank you for taking me here." He takes it, stuffs it in his pocket, and runs off. " C'mon Jasper, let's get you another bath. You're kinda dirty." Since I realize that their claws are covered in dirt and their body as several scratches.


A/n: Sorry it took so long. Summer class has kept me busy. And I got another class to take for the rest of the summer, so there's going to be another long wait. Also, after re-watching some episodes, I realized that it was summer around the time Jasper got corrupted so we're going to have a season skip. Winter was all a lie! It was just a frosty morning around May or June! Okay? Okay! 


A Human's Best Friend (Reader X Corrupted!Jasper)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora