Chapter 13

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I feel the pit of my stomach grow tenser as my phone continues to ring. I didn't think my mom would call me. I know she checks on me with that stalker app to keep an eye on me with my phone but how could I explain why I'm here? If I told her the truth she'll have a heart attack.

I excuse myself and exit the house. I answer the phone and prepare myself for what's about to happen. "Hello-" "OH MY GOD (Y/N) THERE YOU ARE I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAD HAPPENED TO YOU!" not a second to spare, she takes over the conversation. Not giving me time to say hi. "I came over yesterday to visit but you didn't answer your door so I called you and you didn't pick up! I opened the phone finder app and saw that you were in Beach City! What are doing there?! Why haven't you been answering your phone?! Are you in trouble? Answer me!" Everything is coming at me at once. Ok, this is going to be more difficult than I thought. I have to answer her now before I make her worry more. "O-oh um... you see my phone died early that afternoon and I didn't realize until late that night. I'm sorry." Alright, now I just need to think up of an alibi. "That doesn't explain why you are still at Beach City!" Ok, now we're back to panicking...

My head is swarming trying to think of something. I look behind me and see that Steven and the others are watching. I guess they could hear her after all. Come on, think (Y/n), think!" Well you see, a couple of my friends planned to go hang out at Beach City for the weekend. You know, to get away from We crashed at a friends relative's house and spent the night there. I'm sorry for making you worry. I'll make sure to let you know next time I head out of town." There's a slight pause between us. I quietly beg to myself that she takes the bait with every fiber of my being. I hear her let out a sigh, "Alright, just don't do that again. Remember, you're not on break and you have class tomorrow." I loosen up a little, feeling a sense of relief wash past me. "Did you finish your homework before you left at least?" Oh, right...I forgot about that. "Uh, yeah. I got most of it done but I brought the rest of it with me." "You sure?" Oh my god mom, can you stop being a mom for one minute? "Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later. Text me when you get back ok?" "I will. Love you." "I love you too sweetie." I hang up and look at Steven and the gems that were obviously eavesdropping on the whole conversation. But then I look at Jasper. Oh god, how am I gonna explain mom about Jasper?

"Is everything alright (y/n)?" Steven asks. I shift my gaze to the floor. "Yeah, I think so..." He comes outside and stands next to me. "What's wrong?" I let out a sigh as I take a seat next to Jasper who is resting. " I just realized how I won't be able to explain to my mom about Jasper. That is if I could but I doubt it. I mean, she's something I can't explain nonchalantly like she's some stray I found on the streets. She's a huge quartz-like creature that could cause damage and mass panic if I leave her alone for less than an hour. She's not some pet that needs simple training, she's....she's a..." I felt wet something hit my hand only to realize it was my own tears. Why am I crying? Is it because the stress finally got to me? This is something I should know by now. Something this obvious shouldn't be worth crying over.

I cover my face with my hands to hide my tears. I feel something nudge my back to see the that it was Jasper herself. She rubs the side of her face against mine as I do the same. I wipe away my tears and look at Steven again. " I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't know what to do." I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Garnet. "There is another option, but it's up to you if you want to go through with it."



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