chapter 19 - the storm (day 3)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know," he responded, settling down on the mattress beside him.

The rain was becoming heavier by the second, and as a result the pattering sounds against their tent were becoming louder. The wind had also picked up by now, and it's howling only added to all the noises around them.

"Do you think the tent will hold up?" Cyrus asked, searching for something to say.

TJ grinned. "If I set it up correctly, then yeah."

"That's what we're depending on?" the boy teased. "Oh man, I think we're done for."

TJ smiled fondly at that, reaching a hesitant hand out to take Cyrus'. The brown-haired boy watched as he interlaced their fingers, and he could confidently say he had never felt so many butterflies in his stomach.

His eyes met TJ's again as the athlete brought his hand up to press soft kisses to each knuckle.

If Cyrus wasn't swooning before, he definitely was now. TJ Kippen was kissing his hand right now. TJ Kippen was literally kissing his hand right now.

He didn't dare say anything then - he was too afraid that he'd break whatever confidence TJ seemed to have at that moment. Instead, he just watched with bated breath.

The pattering on their roof was becoming even louder, but somehow that had become background noise. All he could focus on was the fact that his literal crush seemed to be making an actual move on him.

TJ shuffled closer then, and much like the previous night Cyrus was in awe of how nice yellow lighting seemed to make him look. His eyes swept over the boy's face, taking in every detail he possibly could.

"You're beautiful," he mumbled, and for some reason he didn't find himself regretting those words.

TJ swallowed, leaning even further into Cyrus' space. "So are you."

That's how they remained for a few tense moments, with their faces inches apart. The world had officially blurred around him to the point where all he could see and hear was TJ; his slightly ragged breathing, his green eyes, his long lashes and those ridiculously inviting lips.

There was a glint in his eye now that was making it somewhat difficult for Cyrus to breathe.

The athlete drew back slightly, his gaze questioning. "Is this okay?"

"More than." Cyrus breathed, and that seemed to be enough for TJ because he finally moved forward to close the gap between them.

The first kiss was tentative and barely there, his lips brushing softly against Cyrus' in an almost experimental fashion. He clearly seemed to realise that the other boy wasn't pulling away anytime soon, because he placed a hand on Cyrus' knee for stability and leaned further forward.

Although the second kiss was soft, it was much less hesitant. Cyrus wrapped his arms around the athlete's neck and pulled him in close, pressing his lips firmly against TJ's.

It was an explosion of butterflies and fireworks, and TJ's lips still tasted sugary from all of the coke they had drank before bed. Cyrus could honestly say it felt like he was floating.

They were wrapped around each other now, exchanging desperate kisses as if their lives depended on it, and honestly - maybe it did in that moment.

They had building up to this for what felt like months, but was probably more like weeks, and now that Cyrus was living it in he didn't want to let it go.

Kissing TJ Kippen felt as natural to him as breathing, and he never wanted to stop.

Unfortunately for him though - he had to eventually.

Neither of them spoke for a few long moments after they had separated, but they remained tangled together in a way that had Cyrus smiling softly.

TJ returned the smile, moving back slightly so that he could manoeuvre himself into a lying position. Cyrus ended up with his head resting gently on TJ's chest, his arms draped loosely over the boy's waist.

He wasn't exactly sure how long they stayed like that - all he knew was that after a while of TJ playing with hair, his eyelids began to feel heavy.

"I'm tired." he mumbled, snuggling into the fabric of TJ's shirt.

"I know," came the soft response. "You can sleep now, Cy."

That was the last thing he remembered before drifting into the most peaceful sleep he had during that camping trip.



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