chapter 9 - apologising

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A/N: Sarah is impatient and can't wait 2 days to update part 2


Cyrus missed him.

It honestly might've been the most insane thing he's ever had to admit to himself, and he blamed his teen angst for it almost entirely.

Although - he did also blame TJ's soft smiles, and the endearing way his eyes always seemed to gleam with this mischievous confidence when they were together. Most importantly, he blamed the way that TJ was always able to pick up when there was something wrong.

He'd spent every day of the past few years with the same friendship group; the same routine, the same hang-out places, the same everything. Then suddenly TJ had come along and changed things. He'd encouraged Cyrus to do things he wasn't good at for once, all while being nothing but unwaveringly supportive.

Knowing all that, who could honestly blame him for wanting to see good in TJ? Or for thinking that just maybe, all the boy needed was a little push to stand up to Isaac and his friends.

This was ridiculous. They had only been interacting for about a week and a half! It should be easy to forget about him, just as easy as it had been to talk to him, to draw with him, to laugh at his ridiculous jokes, to-

Yeah. He'd stop there.



Cyrus: Hey

Cyrus: I know it's late, but I can't stop thinking about what I said. I didn't mean it. I don't want to stop hanging out with you and I really, really never wanted to hurt you.

Cyrus: You've been nothing but nice to me, and here I am trying to push you away.

Cyrus: Classic Cyrus!

Cyrus: I wish Buffy knew how you are around me

Cyrus: She still probably wouldn't believe it

Cyrus: I know this is all stupid. I'm just sorry.

[Delete 7 messages?]


Cyrus wouldn't usually use 'impulsive' as a self-descriptor, but sometimes TJ made him question that. He threw out a lot of things when the other boy was around, and one of them just happened to be caution.

It was honestly the only way he could explain his decision to approach TJ the following day after school. To be fair; he did have an internal debate with himself, it had just lasted about 2 seconds.


Buffy's training session could've been over at any moment, and there Cyrus was greeting TJ. Really - it was his fault for looking like such a sad, lonely puppy.

The boy slowly looked up, blinking a few times as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Uh. Hey. Why are you..." he trailed off, gesturing vaguely between them.

Cyrus hesitantly took the seat opposite him. "You're alone here." he commented, avoiding the question completely.

"Yeah. Amber had work and most of Isaac's friends aren't really into books. As you can probably imagine."

He laughed slightly at that, playing with the pages of his own book as he thought about what to say.

"I, um...wanted to apologise for what I said yesterday. I was frustrated about other things, and I took it out on you when I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry."

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