Eijirou Kirishima.

"Hey, Blasty," the redhead spoke up suddenly, a bright grin on his face as he stared down at his phone screen. "Don't hate me, but I posted about watching Adventure Time last night and someone literally updated me with the whole plot. Beginning to end."

"The fuck?"

"They said Marceline and PB finally kiss at the end!"

"Tch, no point in watching the damn show now..." The blond ran his fingers through his hair. "But it was obvious they liked each other."

"Yeah, man. All those theorists on YouTube were right. That means if we cosplay as Marshall Lee and Prince Bubblegum for Halloween, we're gonna have to kiss," the redhead joked, sticking out his tongue with a wink. Bakugou frowned, a warmth rising to his cheeks.

"Just because the genders are swapped doesn't mean everything's the same, Shit Hair."

"Yes it doesss!" Kirishima sang, creeping towards the blond. Bakugou stiffened, a sliver of panic overtaking him, his heart beginning to beat a little faster.

"What're you doin', moron?" Bakugou hissed, backing away. The redhead pounced at him, tackling the blond and fighting against him to pin him to the floor. The two struggled, Bakugou dodging kisses and throwing explosive punches in return. Kirishima hardened his skin as a result, the punches being thrown at him feeling more like tickles, resulting in his grip on the blond to weaken from his laughter. Bakugou seized the opportunity and pinned the redhead by his wrists, barking, "THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!"

Kirishima gasped, his eyes widening at the blond for screaming at him so early in the morning. Bakugou was heated, naturally, glaring at the idiot and wishing he had another hand to pummel his face in. He had just woke up after Bakugou had finished his shower, so how the fuck was he already wide awake as if he took a shot of caffeine straight to the artery?

Bakugou studied him, ignoring the fact he was practically straddling the boy, taking in his features. He hadn't gelled up his hair into the spikes he was known for, allowing those bright red strands to cascade about his face, and though he's been friends with the boy for a bit over four years now, he'd never realized how fucking large his eyes were. They were round and welcoming despite his fiery red irises with the little flecks of gold tangled in between. His nose was one that curved slightly upward, more on the narrow side, and far from bulbous at the tip. He couldn't prevent his eyes from drifting down to the boy's lips, taking in how they curved, how his lower lip was a bit plumper than the top, and a tad more flushed pink. His cupid's bow was faint, yet still noticeable, especially with him being so close. The redhead's lips were parted ever so slightly, the pink of his tongue visible in the golden rays of sun that trickled across his face. Suddenly, Bakugou's lips felt too dry, and he subconsciously flicked out his tongue. The two exchanged warm puffs of air, neither moving, gazes unwavering.

"Knock knock!" Called Kaminari from the other side of the door. The two fumbled to distance themselves away from each other as Kaminari helped himself to open the door. "Yo, the truck's out—whoa." Kaminari looked between the two boys on the floor, both panting heavily, both blushing. Hard. "Did I interrupt something?" He questioned, arching a brow. Kirishima quickly shook his head, scratching the back of his head as he forced a grin on his face.

"No no no, we were just talkin' about how hot I—I mean—let's just go get the furniture, yeah?" Before Kaminari could answer, Kirishima filled in the blank for him. "Yeah. Just let me put on my crocs real quick."

"Oh." Kaminari's eyes went to Bakugou next. "You comin' too, man?"

Bakugou snapped out of the little trance he trapped himself in, the pink hue disappearing from his face as if he had never blushed in the first place. Pulling his signature frown, the blond lifted himself from the floor and slid into a pair of shoes, following his other two friends out the room.

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