chapter 4 // a warm welcome

Start from the beginning

Looking around, Flower saw the hallway was mostly abandoned. There were cobwebs in some of the corners, and most of the area was unclean overall. The dull smell of dust lingered in the air, and the stone walls looked like they needed cleaning.

Luka sighed, not going much further than two steps into the floor. "This used to he the floor where Subjects would gather before and after their shifts, but ever since Lord Miku started making her announcements from the balcony of the throne room, it became disused. Currently, if you want to talk with any of your fellow subjects, you'll likely be doing such in the courtyard."

Flower nodded. Luka then turned and continued walking down the flight of stairs. Flower followed her, and the two emerged in what looked to be a renovated lobby area. It had functioning tables and seats, where a few Subjects sat about, chatting like normal. A couple of them stole glances in their direction, making Flower slightly uncomfortable.

Luka began walking around the place. "This is the cafeteria, and to the left there," she motioned to a closed room to the side, "is the kitchen. That's where we produce most of our food."

Flower's eyes surveyed the area curiously. It was definitely the most broad of all the areas they had visited so far, and it seemed to house quite a few fellow survivors.

Fellow survivors.

Those words struck her hard once again. She really wasn't alone. She had been so mistaken. And never until now had Flower been so happy to be incorrect. A faint smile twitched at her features as she examined her surroundings. There was hope.

Flower had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she had barely even heard Luka explaining the food farm.

"... So you'll likely never need going in there. Questions?"

Flower shook her head.

"Good. Now, to the courtyard."

The tall, fuchsia haired woman walked away from her once again; although this time it didn't take as long for her to catch up. Flower trailed behind her, hardly minding the stares and whispers she got from her fellow Subjects. The pair reached a couple of reinforced wood doors, which swung open to reveal a reasonably spacious, open field. Most of the land was dirt, though there was the occasional sprout of grass as well. Along the edges of said field were crafted wooden benches, each looking surprisingly sturdy.

Luka smiled fondly at the land. "And this is the courtyard. You'll likely spend a decent portion of your time here, conversing with other Subjects."

Flower nodded, scanning the flat, open land. It was fair enough, considering the other gathering place was completely run-down. The sun burned brightly above them, and Flower had to squint her eyes to see some of the land properly.

Luka seemed unaffected by the boiling force, however, and she merely continued with her dialogue. "This is also where you will gather to hear Miku's announcements, as she issues her proclamations from her balcony overlooking the courtyard." She paused. "Reminding me of Miku's authority..."

Luka returned her gaze to Flower, who stared intently back at her. "...we have a couple of rules here to maintain order and to ensure our survival."

Flower's heart skipped a beat. Oh dear. She began recalling Yohio's words to her...

However, when Luka began speaking, she tossed his warning out in the heat of the moment. Might as well hear what these rules even are before I go making assumptions.

"The first and foremost rule of The Sanctuary is that Miku's word is the highest in the land. You must obey at all costs."

Flower winced. Look at that! I already don't like a rule. To her, it sounded like a dolled up dictatorship. Luka noticed this and hastily began to correct herself.

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