Please Don't Go

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Stiles Stilinski pretended he couldn't stand Derek Hale. And everyone was fooled by it. Even Derek himself. He didn't know why, but from the moment he met Derek, the day he yelled at Scott and Stiles for being on private property, he sensed an attraction towards him. It wasn't love at first sight, Stiles wasn't a hopeless romantic. But he just liked Derek. Though, Derek was a werewolf, and he knew there would be risks openly and blatantly expressing his feelings for Derek.

That all changed one day.

"CAREFUL!" Scott screamed. Derek turned to look, his eyes widening. He attempted to move but a pair of claws slashed across his chest. Derek attempted to pull away but Deucalion held his there. Suddenly, Scott was on top of him.

Stiles watched in pure horror. "DEREK!" he screamed through the gag. He pulled against his restraints but it was no use. Derek looked down at his chest, gushing with blood, and back up at Deucalion.

"It's quite unfortunate, really," Deucalion said. Derek growled against his hold. "You could've been such a great asset to our Pack." Scott was in the middle of a fight with Ennis, Isaac trying his best to fight off Kali. Derek was defenseless.

Deucalion finally released his hold on Derek, who fell to the ground immediately. "FALL BACK!" Deucalion yelled. Ennis and Kali, confused, gave one last hit to Scott and Isaac before following after Deucalion. Isaac raced over to Stiles, taking the gag out of his mouth and untying the ropes. Stiles stood shakily, running over to Derek.

"DEREK!" Stiles dropped to his knees. "Derek!" He placed on hand on Derek's wounds, shaking his head as the blood continued to seep through.

"Stiles?" Derek whispered.

Stiles turned to Scott. "HELP HIM!" he screamed, then turning back to Derek.

"Hey," he whispered softly, sniffling. Derek grunted, his hand moving to clutch Stiles' hand. "I thought— I thought they caught you. That I wasn't gonna see you again."

Stiles smiled sadly. "Here I am," he whispered, making Derek chuckle.

"I'll kill him," Derek said. "I'll kill him for whatever he did to you."

Stiles shook his head. "Derek, I'm fine, okay? We gotta get you up though, alright? Come on. I need you to stand," he said. Derek nodded. Stiles tried his best to put pressure on the wound even as they walked, Isaac on the other side, attempting to help his Alpha.

A hospital was out of the question, and Stiles knew that. So, they laid Derek down on his bed in the loft. Stiles snapped his fingers pointing over to kit that laid next to Derek's bed. "Scott!" he said. "I need the kit. Isaac, get a wet cloth." Scott came back out with a kit and Isaac with a wet cloth.

Stiles quickly but gently pulled Derek's shirt off. "This— this'll probably sting. A lot," Stiles warned before gently beginning to press down on the wounds, cleaning up the blood that had smeared all across his chest.

"You guys," Stiles said softly. "I got this. Go home." The two were practically falling asleep on top of each other, though trying their best not to make it obvious. They nodded and exited the loft. Once they left, Derek hissed at the sting.

"Stay still," Stiles said sharply.

"Hurts like a bitch," he responded.

"It would hurt less if you didn't move as much!" Stiles responded, making Derek grunt.

"He almost killed you," Stiles murmured. "You're lucky you moved when he came at you. Any deeper..."

"Didn't know you cared, " Derek said as Stiles began to unwrap and elastic bandage.

"I- this-this was different, " Stiles said, turning his head away.

"Yeah, totally, " Derek said.

"Sit up, " Stiles said, ignoring Derek's sarcasm.

Derek just sighed and did what he was told. "I meant it, " he finally said. "When I said I was going to kill Deucalion for whatever he did to you."

Stiles continued to dress Derek's wound. "Stiles," Derek said. Stiles looked up.

"I know you like me," he said.

"What?" Stiles asked, scoffing.

"Besides the fact your hearts beating the fastest it ever has, I overheard you and Lydia," Derek said.

Stiles closed the kit. "So?" he responded. "I'm not gonna act on it. It's a dumb cru—"

Derek spun Stiles around, causing him to drop the kit in his hands. He winced as it hit the floor. "Derek..."

"Why have you been lying? Why do you feel the need to lie to me about this?" Derek asked, his hands sliding up to cup Stiles' cheeks.

"Because— because. Why would you ever think about me in any sort of romantic way. I mean, Lydia, Erica, god maybe Allison, you'd have so much more attraction towards them. I don't— I wouldn't want to mess us up anyways if you ever thought of me like that," Stiles said, now beginning to ramble.

Derek smiled softly as he listened to Stiles continue on. "You really think I'd want someone like Lydia or Erica? I don't really swing that way anymore," he finally said.

Stiles deadpanned.

"You're— you're gay?" Stiles repeated.

"I mean, sure," Derek said, shrugging. "Is it that big of a deal?"

"It just doesn't make sense. Jennifer, Kate, Paige—" Stiles trailed off. "Oh."

Derek let out a bark of a laugh. He moved closer, so close. He was in Stiles' personal space, pressing right up against him, and leaning down to brush past his lips.

"Derek," stiles whispered. "We can't."

Derek frowned and pulled away, but still pressing up against Stiles. "It's too risky," Stiles said. "It's way too risky right now."

"Every relationship is a risk, Stiles. I wanna be here to protect you when Deucalion could come back. Because I know he's not done. He won't stop until he has me and Scott— but I just want to be there for you, okay? I don't wanna force you into anything. That's just not cool. But I just want you to know, I like you too, Stiles," Derek said.

Stiles searched Derek's face before sighing and leaning up to press a kiss against his lips. He wanted this, and Derek just convinced him he did. Derek's eyes widened in shock but his hands rounded Stiles' hips, pulling him closer. "Careful of your wounds," Stiles said teasingly, smiling against Derek's lips. Derek rolled his eyes but smiled too, pulling Stiles back into him.

"You know, where gonna this okay?" Derek said. "Together."

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