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When I woke up the next morning a saw Evan already gone. I stood up, stretched, and got changed. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair. I went downstairs and saw some of the boys in the tv room, the rest were in the kitchen chugging the last bit of coffee our house had.
"I'm guessing it's grocery week, huh" I say sitting at the counter. They nod and go back to chugging their tar.
"Alright I'll go out later anyone want to join?" I asked standing up getting my keys ready.
"I'll go!" Lui yelled cheerfully, and got a chorus of groans in return
"Yeah me too, you could use someone to carry bags" Nogla says coming into the kitchen.
"Alright we'll take my car" I say heading down to the garage Lui and Nogla close behind me.
When we got to the store I grabbed a cart and we went in, walking the aisles I picked up a few things, putting back stuff Lui put in the cart. Grabbing a few things the guys could cook on their own in case me and Nogla are out.
"Oh shit Nogla can you go get some milk please." I sat looking behind me at him.
"No problem." He smiled then walked off, me and Lui continued down the aisle until he disappeared probably to find some sweets to sneak into the cart, then some dude came up to me and started hitting on me.
"Hey gorgeous, I don't think I've seen you around here before, you new?" He asks following me while I picked up some vegetables
"No not new, just usually shop late." I replied blandly hoping he'd get the hint.
"Don't be so cold baby, just trying to start a conversation with a beautiful girl" he said, getting really close to me, putting a hand on my waist.
"Look back off dude, I'm just trying to get my groceries and go home." I say trying to get him off, but he was pretty persistent.
"What you live with your boyfriend?" He asks still being way to fucking close to me
"No just a few friends.. look I said back off that means get your dick off me thigh" I said shoving him again, only for him to return.
"I can put it somewhere else" he smirked as if that was actually a good pick up line. I got fed up and punched him in the jaw, maybe a little higher seeing as he was knocked out almost instantly. Just then Nogla turned into the aisle watching as the guy dropped. He laughed and came up to me and I sped out of the area. Lui came up to me as we sped off.
"Y/n! Can I get Cheerio's!" He called to me
"Yeah whatever just put it in the cart we have to pay and leave before we get kicked out." I say, Nogla laughs as we went to the register having all our groceries scanned and put in bags, I paid in cash and we left. The whole drive back to the cabin I was on edge and a little pissed off at that arrogant asshole. When we got home I grabbed a bunch of the bags, most of them actually, and headed for the kitchen putting all the food away and putting away the bags.
"What's up with Y/n?" I heard Tyler ask Nogla in a mumble trying to be discreet.
"She decked some dude at the store, we didn't even finish shopping, he has to go" he said laughing
"Don't get on her bad side, dude he went down like a sack of potatoes" Nogla finished looking over at me
"Well maybe if you men could keep their fucking dicks in your pants and not rubbing against some chicks thigh while she's just trying to purchase food I wouldn't have to knock a fucker out!" I say slamming a cupboard shut then going upstairs to my room, I changed into some workout clothes and went into our gym, heading straight for the punching bags and let all anger out on the pour bag. After a good half hour of punches and kicks I went to the treadmills to run off any extra steam. It was only after Evan called me to the kitchen was when I realized I had been working out for more then just a half hour. I went into the kitchen and saw everyone eating.
"Hey rocky, sit down and have some lunch Nogla made something" Tyler says
"I think I'll just go shower I'm pretty gross right now." I say Tyler shakes his head but let's me go anyways, I go to my room and take a long steamy shower before moisturizing and changing into a t-shirt and some shorts. I picked up my book and started reading on my bed, getting comfortable. But I don't think I'll ever finish this book because I didn't even get to read one word before a knock came to my door. I sighed and stood up, going back over to my door and opening it.
"What?" I asked staring Tyler down.
"Everyone is working out, come eat." He says giving me a look, one I've never been able to ignore.
"Alright" I say leaving my room, locking it behind me and walking down the hall with him. We sit down and I eat my dinner as fast as I could.
"You're going to give yourself the hiccups" Tyler chuckled while he sipped his coffee
"Shut up" I roll my eyes, finishing my plate and standing up to put it in the washer.
"I thought you were getting better" Tyler says coming up to me putting his mug in.
"I was, I am." I say shrugging
"You can't keep making excuses" he says looking down at me.
"I know okay, I'm trying" I say looking down.
"Y/n! Evans calling a meeting, high ups only" Marcel tells me
"I'll be there in a minute." I sigh closing the washer and turning it on
"He said now, it must be an emergency" Marcel continues
"Marcel! I said in a minute!" I say, raising my voice slightly.
"Y-Yess ma'am, sorry" Marcel says going down the hall.
I let out another sigh and go down the hall into the board room ignoring Wildcats stares
"What's up" I ask going in, Evan and Johnathan sat there
"We have a bad situation that we have to make the best out of." Evan tells me.
"What's the situation?" I asked him
"Nogla and Lui kidnapped the leader of the santo banto's. our rival gang, I figured we could get some information and waste him before the rest of them find out" Delirious tells me.
I nod, think for a second.
"How long has he been here?" I asked looking at the two of them
"Two hours" Evan tells me,
"Alright, is he in the shed?"
"Yeah, he should be waking up in a few minutes" Johnathan says
"Alright, Evan you and me with go in, Jonathan I want you and Terrorizer watching the cameras. No tricks, if he pulls anything you tell me threw the radios" I say, the two nod and Delirious leaves, I sigh and rub temples
"What's wrong baby?" Evan asks hugging me from behind
"Just one thing after another, I'm going to change meet me at the shed, you can go in without me." I say he nods and kisses the side of my head, then heads out.
I go upstairs and go into my room changing into

Then going out to meet Vanoss, I heard the conversation

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Then going out to meet Vanoss, I heard the conversation. Then stepped in beginning the integration.

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