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It's been two days since our accidental hostage and I've pretty much only sat in my room or worked out, I could tell some of the guys were getting worried but none of them said anything. While I was in the gym this morning using the punching bag, Jonathan did come up to me and tried getting me to talk.
"What's going on?" He asked as I used all my strength to hit the bag.
"I'm working out." I state plainly hitting the bag over and of again.
"The guys are worried about you, you're acting different, all you do is work out." He says once again, but I ignored him, and begin hitting the bag harder and harder.
"Look y/n you need to talk to us, were a team." Jonathan says, grabbing my arm stopping me from punching the bag. I look over to him, jerking my arm out of his grip and turning to him, I turn away and grab my water taking a huge sip and putting it down.
"What's been going on y/n?" He says coming up to me.
"Well besides everyone in this house always acting like a child forcing me to be the only adult to clean up after you guys, and you guys always getting yourself hurt, leaving me to take care of you, we are three days away from basically going to war with another gang because someone totally not on purpose kidnapped the leader and me and Vanoss had to kill him." I say looking at him. He had nothing to say, he just stared at me.
"I'm not the second in command I'm your guy's mother, at least that's how you guys act, and it's stressful. I'm stressed Jonathan." I say, still only receiving stares
"It took me two months to teach nogla how to cook, and I only did that because you guys want midnight snacks every other night, it takes me almost two hours out of my day just to clean up the cabin after you guys decide to have a party and drink, then pass out. While you guys are out at the club having fun, I'm home making sure none of you get caught being stupid. I taught myself how to use terrorizers equipment, to hack into the street cameras did I can know if and when you guys come home and if it's safe. All you guys do is have fun while all I do is take care of you like you're children, and while I love all of you like you're family, it's exhausting taking care of all these little boys." And with that final sentence I left the gym and went to my room, taking a shower and laying in my bed. Maybe Jonathan was right, I sighed and got up changing into some comfy clothes I went downstairs and sat in the living room with the guys who were all chatting, when I was noticed by Lui and Nogla they decided to start a conversation with me. Jonathan coming in and giving me a kind smile before sitting down and joining a random conversation.
"You know Y/n I don't think you've ever told us how you met Evan." I heard Brain say from across the room, most of the chatter ended and the guys looked between me and Evan nodding in agreement.
"Yeah I mean you've been with him longer than any of us, so tell us the romantic backstory." Tyler teased. I rolled my eyes
"It's pretty far from romantic." I say taking a sip from my beer, that Lui gave me a few minutes ago.
"Tell us." Brock says loudly, I just chuckled and looked over at Evan who just shrugged.
"Alright alright." I says and begin telling them the story.

I sat on my cardboard box that I used to keep my ass warm on the cold nights. I've been homeless for over a year after my parents had kicked me out. I noticed a kid running down the ally I usually slept in, then I noticed a couple of grown men chasing after him. I stood up and when the boy was about to pass me I grabbed his arm and hid him behind the dumpster, making sure the men didn't see him, I gestured for him to be quiet as I stood up and began to walk, one of the men grabbed my arm very forcefully.
"You seen a little punk run threw here?" He asked me, tightening his grip
"Nope, no one here but three dimwits and me." I say jerking my arm out of his grip.
"He stole something of mine and I want it back, so tell me where the asshole went and you won't get hurt. Kid." He tells me getting closer and closer until I was backed against a wall and he was in my face.
"I haven't seen him, now back up your breath stinks." I say shoving him slightly, but definitely not hard enough to do any damage.
"Why you little." He sent a strong punch right to my gut, then began kicking me, ignoring his friends who told him to stop, that I've had enough and I was just a kid. But he didn't stop, not til he saw me cough up some blood. That's when he spit on me and walked away. When I knew they were gone and out of sight I painfully got myself up and went back over to the boy, now finally looking at him I could tell he was my age, maybe a year or two older.
"Hey you okay?" I asked looking at him.
"Me?! You're the one that just got beat up by a full grown man." He said coming out of his hiding spot.
"That guy hit like a girl, I've been threw worse." I shrugged
"So what'd you steal." I asked sitting On my box, leaving room for him to join me. When he sat down he unzipped his torn up jacket, only to have a few wallets and a watch fall out. I chuckled and nodded.
"You haven't been out here very long have you?" I asked looking at him, he gave me a confused look but shook his head.
"Don't go for the tough guys wallets they never have very much on them, go for the wimps." I tell him, he nods
"Look, be been on the streets a while, and I've never seen someone pick so much and actually get away with it, you got skill." I tell him, smirking as he looked at me with some pride.
"Y/n." I say sticking out my hand.
"Evan." He tells me shaking it. And that was the start of it, after that me and Evan never left each other, eventually we stole enough to get a small place together, where we just stole more to get a better place, and soon we were in business as the baddest, scariest, and best gang in Los santos.
End of flashback
After telling the story the guys just kind of stared.
"How old were you guys?" Lui asked, seeming the most interested in actual details
"I think we were what 13 maybe 14" I shrug looking at Evan who shrugged and nodded, he was silent for the story.
"Wow dude, she saved your ass and took the beating for you." Tyler teased Evan only to be told to shut up
"Hey I'm gonna order a pizza anyone want anything?" Nogla asked
"It's past 8 man they don't deliver." Mini says
"That's fine I'll pick it up, order me some cheesy bread." I say looking over at nogla who nodded and got his phone out and started calling. I stood up and grabbed my keys and got my boots on. I went into my car and drove down the dirt road until I reached the real road. Driving to the pizza shop wasn't long but it seemed oddly empty seeing as how it wasn't really that late and it was Saturday. I went inside and told them the name and they nodded and went to the back, as it was only one employee I was now alone in the front. I just stood there waiting for the pizza alone until a couple of men walked in, they stood oddly close to me but I didn't pay any mind to it until one of them put a hand on my shoulder, I shrugged it off and turned around. They stared me down with dirty glares.
"We know who you are and what you've done." The one in front said, then pulled out a knife.
"And you're going to pay for it." He says, out of instinct I throw a punch, hitting him in the jaw, the other two go to grab me but I dodged the one and kneed the other in the stomach. I threw another punch hitting another one in the face but as more guys came in the harder it was to fight. They finally got me by the arms and held me in place. A different guy started patting me down taking out my keys and my phone. He smashed my phone against the ground and stomped on it, I thrashed around trying to get out but I just got punched in the jaw for it. They dragged me out into the ally beside the shop and held me in place. The head man started beating on me, not holding back at all. It wasn't until I could barely see was when he finally made is way to my gut. I could tell he was slowly breaking things but he didn't stop, I spit up some blood and looked up at him threw my swollen eyes.
"You get joy out of beating on a girl huh?" I asked before spitting at him. He smirked and then threw one last punch to my face before telling the guys to drop me, so they threw me to the ground and kicked me a few times.
"Give your boss this message for me." He said before lifting up my shirt, and became to carve into my skin, I could tell it was deep by how much blood came trickling down to the ground. I smirked at him as he kicked me one last time and walked away. I heard cars drive off, which meant they left. I painfully got myself up, barely able stand and pulled myself to a phone both, calling myself a cab. When it got there I hopped in and told them to drive me to the dirt road that led to the house. I was tired and barely awake when I paid the man and walked down the road. I could barely see threw the swollen eye that was probably dark purple by now, and my lip was busted. When I got to the door I remembered they took my keys and threw them somewhere. So I knocked on the door and waited hoping I'd be able to wait long enough for them to open. I've lost a lot of blood from the cuts in my stomach that I still haven't been able to read. When the door opened I was face to face with lui, who looked at me horrified, but I couldn't say anything before I passed out, falling into his arms.

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