chapter 5

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****"I was planning on renting an apartment close to the campus but I never really had a reason to do it since I leave a few blocks away but now with all this tension going around I actually have an excuse. "****

When we packed up my vehicle with most of her clothes and important things we headed to get something to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked and she said anything I'm getting.

So I pulled up in the KFC drive thru and ordered a bottle of water with an up sized mountain dew drink with a two piece and an extra up sized fries with some biscuits and a corncob and extra sauce so I got the same for her.

When we got our food we parked at a local park to eat.

While we sat at a public table eating we discussed our feelings on how this whole dilemma currently is and how it might turn out .

Sky told me about her mother and how she was waiting for my dad to get of his work trip which he obviously lies about and that all her life she believed it.

She also told me how he insisted her to go to a different college but she declined and while she spoke everything thing started to make sense.

My dad would stay home for a month and go we're ever to finish his so called work and come back a month later and it had became a routine which I became so accustomed to that I never questioned it.

When we finished eating we threw our rubbish away and went back to the car.

My mom went to her mothers house today my brother texted me earlier so i know its okay to go back there.

It was a short drive there.

We got out of the car and into the house and straight up to my bedroom.

I've had money saved up to get an apartment for quite awhile now and it has just increased since I never used it.

So I went on my laptop and searched up about the apartment which I wanted at first to see if it is still up for rent.

And lucky me it is still up for rent.

I already had all the information and I have already had a tour of the apartment since it was the apartment that I was going to rent before so I contacted the owner and set up a meet up.

By the time which was scheduled arrived we was around the corner and on time.

We waited in the vehicle chatting a bit until we saw a black SUV pull up.

Then the man hopped out of the car and it was the bald headed man with the beard that I saw on the wall of his page.

We hopped out of the vehicle and approached him.

We got our files put together and he gave us the keys and he went on his way to were ever leaving us to do what ever we wanted.

Hell yeah!

We entered the house and it was huge. Well not as huge as back home but it was pretty descent.

 Well not as huge as back home but it was pretty descent

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

New house

It had three bedroom's and a bathroom.

So we will use the smallest room as a guest bedroom.

It was fully furnished by the way which was pretty cool if I do say so my self.

It had a grown up feel to it which really needs to change a bit and add our own sense of style to it.

We had never unpacked the trunk with Sky's stuff so she went for her stuff which had her a step in front of me.

But as I always do I chose the biggest room in the house and called dibs on it before anyone does.

So who's behind now? Still me but it's an improvement.

OK OK I'm tired of babbling let's get to the moving in part quickly.

I left Sky at our new house and went to get my stuff.

When I got home I went straight towards my moms room but she left for work already so I had to tell her when she got here.

Albert on the other hand was in his room playing fortnight.

So I didn't want to disturb because I know how annoying he gets when that happens.

That's why I will do it when I'm about to leave.

I got my stuff and packed my  trunk with some clothes, bags, shoes and accessories.

I also grabbed some of my toiletries but I left most because I still want my room to stay like this so I will just buy anything else which I needed.

When I was done I went back at Albert's room unplugged the television and told him that I am not coming back tonight so tell mom and ran down the stairs laughing which almost made me roll down the stairs.

Nonetheless it was very funny.
You should've seen his face.

I jumped in the car and sped off still giggling.

When I got at the store I bought everything that I was missing and food, snacks and pots pans and plates along with some detergent and dish soap and sponge.

On my way back to the new apartment I got some food and gave a homeless guy a five dollar bill.

It was becoming dark outside since it was 5:30 so I sped back to the house.

When I arrived I in packed my car and brought everything inside.

The house was already looking somewhat different since Sky was here all along while I was out.

The first thing I started doing was making my bed while Sky filled the kitchen up.

I bought this beautiful bed set and did my bed.

I then went to the bathroom to set up my stuff there.

Then I packed away my clothes into the dresser and closet.

Then I went into the bathe and took a shower and reflected on everything that went on today and just relaxed my muscles.

When I was done I did my night routine and went into the kitchen to get the food that I bought on my way here.

I ate and fell asleep on the couch only to be woken up by my phone ringing loudly.

It was my brother calling.

But why is he calling me at this time. He is straight up childish I thought to myself.

I picked up the phone and the next thing he said made my heart near stop.

Mom was in an accident.


Authors note:

Thanks so much for reading my book I really appreciate it. Lots of love.

Tell me what you think will happen next!!

Classically Originally Me✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang