Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- WAIT!

Goldy's P.O.V.

I start running as fast as I can.

"Goldy wait!" I hear my stalker yell in the background. Does this guy think I'm stupid? Does he think I'm just going to stand there .

"NO, THANK YOU STALKER!" I yell back. Then I trip over a rock.

"Curse my clumsiness," I mutter. He catches up to me. We'll shi-

"Do you need help," he asks while extending out his hand. "Don't worry, you can trust me." Wait. Those two sentences are almost identical to...

*twenty years ago*

"Oof" I say as I bump into someone, that someone was Luke.

"Hey sorry, do you need any help?" he asks while extending out his hand. " Don't worry you can trust me."

*flashback end*

I feel myself start to tear up. I take his hand.

"W-What do you want?" I ask.

"Goldy, it's me Luke," he says. My eyes widened. What are the odds? No. It couldn't be true, but what I saw next completely destroyed any doubt I had. It was the locket I gave Luke. His tomb was never raided. No one could have stolen it, so that means...

"L-l-l-l-l-Luke?" I ask. He nods. My face warms up.

"Hey Goldy," He says. I look at him, and I hug him. I had missed him so much. A miracle had happened that day. I saw Luke again.

"I m-missed bud," I say, happy it be reunited. But something felt different, I felt as if bud wasn't the right word. I felt as if I should say something stronger, but I couldn't grasp what. It's probably just some confusing brain stuff.

Unicorn Mann's P.O.V

"Wow. I literally just got friend zoned again within the first few minutes of talking to Goldy," I think, but I didn't care that much.

"I missed you too," I respond. Now I could catch up with my friends. I was reunited. I was happy. The empty feeling I had could now be filled once again.

"Wanna hear a joke," I say.

"Oh heck yeah," she responds.

"What do you call a pentagon that's destroyed?" I ask.

"What?" Goldy asks.

"You call it penta-gone,"I say with a smile

"*snort* That's so bad," she replies. I look down.

"No that I mind, but your still kind of hugging me in the middle of the street," I say(totally not flirting).

"Oh sorry," she says, while blushing. "Hey you should come to my apartment, we could catch up there."

"I'd like that very much," I reply.

The locket- a Ryguyrocky fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें