Chapter 2-Not Even In My Dreams

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****I FORGOT TO DO THIS IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. I do own the character Miki, of course, and the rest of my characters will be revealed later, kay? So enjoy. And by the way, THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I AM GOING TO PUT UP THE DISCLAIMER. I don't feel like doing it every chapter. Here's the story!!!*****

You know that moment where it's really quiet and no one knows what to say? Well, that's never happened to me. And it sure as hell won't start now.

"I will leave you now, Miki," the Anbu said as he poofed away, leaving me in front of Sasuke's apartment.

"Well, here goes nothing," I said casually. I knocked on the door soundly, hearing absolute silence on the other end. 

It opened to reveal a boy with a wild mane of black hair and, like always, bottomless onyx eyes. Sheesh, he really does look emo. But he is cute. The anime didn't lie about that, I thought as I subtly checked him out. His eyes were hard and his jawline ticked with nothing but annoyance. His eyes analyzed me for a moment, but apparently they found nothing of interest as he gave me an impatient look. 

"Can I help you?" he said monotonously, keeping his body leaned away from me, his hand inching the door shut. 

"My name is Miki. But they call me The God of Destruction," I said seriously, putting my hand on my hip and trying to strike him as a don't-mess-with-me kind of person. I resisted the urge to laugh at my own ridiculousness. His eyebrow twitched. 

"Allow me to clarify. Why are you here?" he relayed these words rather sharply, and I blinked. Man, he really seemed like was going to be no fun. 

"I came to join this village and I had to make an excuse of why I was here. So I accidentally said your name, ha-ha," I said, giving up the whole facade of seriousness. 

"Another fan girl?" he said, looking disgusted. He began to close the door all the way, but I spoke up, offended by his assumption. Was he really going to be like this?

"Do you really think everyone worships you or something? It was just for back up," I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Then take this politely when I say that I don't like being someone's back up, especially some little girl who acts like a joke. The God of Destruction? What are you, five?" He said, peering down his nose at me. I felt my jaw almost drop. Why was I startled to find out this guy was the exact same as he was in the show?

"Maybe I am f*cking five. But at least I'm not some stuck up asshole who thinks he can walk all over people just because they're not all as depressed and emo as you are." He scoffed.

"You're joking, right? Depressed and emo? Depression doesn't allow much room for functionality, and I am top of my class. I don't need some wannabe coming in here telling me I need to lighten up. If you have no business here, then leave." He said casually, infuriating me all the more. 

"Oh my god, I would've said Kiba's name after all if I had known how much of a douche bag you were. I just didn't know him as well, that's all." I spat at him. He raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, and you know me?" he said.

"Actually, yeah I do. I know everything, asshole," I glared at him. He looked taken aback. His eyes narrowed on me, but then his posture relaxed. 

"There's no way. You don't know a thing." I smirked. 

"You sure about that?"

And just because I am absolutely the scum of the earth  sometimes, but quite possibly also because he was super rude and I hated being undermined, I reached forward, tapping two fingers gently against his forehead, a gesture I knew he found painfully familiar. 

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