11. My perfectly not so perfect fit

Start from the beginning

I am chatting with Annie about the list of things I want to but today when twenty minutes later he's back and sits opposite to me. "All work done?" I ask him hoping that he has a day off and to himself because its Sunday I mean everyone needs a day off.
"For a few hours yeah." For a few hours that he spared for me. I sigh and don't say anything further but suddenly remember something his aunt was telling me.
"Jacob... who's Kyle?" A dark expression crosses on his face and he now becomes alert.
"Why do you ask? Did my aunt mention something?"
I don't know what to say... what if I make this worst between them. "Ummm..." I can't answer him back.
He doesn't ask me further, "Kyle is my cousin." He stops right there and looks away.

We get up from the table after some awkward silence and take the elevator downstairs. "If you ever cross your path with Kyle please ignore him at all costs. He's not someone you want to know or talk to." Why should I be so careful about meeting his cousin?

We reach at the lobby and all the staff members are alerted suddenly seeing Jacob and I feel a little weird walking besides him but his eyes are only on me and waiting for my answer to his order. "I don't even know how he looks so don't worry about it." I assure him instead of asking more questions and I genuinely don't wanna entangle myself into his life knowing this ends soon.

We exit the hotel and he calls out a taxi for me. "Sorry, I can't drop you home today. The work is too much today."
"It's okay, I am going to Annie's store anyways.. I need some stuff." He strokes my hair like he strokes a puppy and I look at him in amusement. "Am I a puppy to you?" I ask him jokingly.
"Yes too cute and too amazing like a puppy." He tells me pinching my cheeks and I blush like a red tomatoe.

The taxi comes and he kisses me on the cheek and we say goodbye to each other. Not a bad start to my sunday at all, I smile to myself and touch my cheeks he pinched me and kissed me. He acts like a baby sometimes but a cute one.

Jacob's pov:
I smile and see her taxi leave my hotel, when a car stops in front of the hotel. My mother, Jennifer gets out of the car and smiles at me.
"Why is my son standing here and laughing to himself? Were they some of your clients?" She comes and hugs me.
"No, that was Mia the girl grandfather has asked me to date." Her face suddenly falls hearing that.

We get inside the hotel together and go to the coffee shop to talk. "An impromptu visit? All okay?" I ask her.
"Jacob, this is worrying me. I mean she isn't even from our background. Honestly Amy is alot more better match for you. Her father's company and our company can make this business a lot bigger. I know what they did was wrong but her mother has talked to me and assured me that this time..." I cut her off mid way.
"I am not trusting her ever and I am well aware of mine and Mia's situation so I am not even thinking of taking this any further than our contract. Thankyou for your concern but I am not even sure for now if I am joining the company so forget about taking it further with my marriage." She sighs but keeps quiet after this. I know she has raised me and wants what's best for me but I have so much to figure out before thinking about all that.

"How are things at main office? How is it going on without grandpa?" I ask her and try not to sound suspicious.
"Our stocks has been great like never before. Its a bit out of the blue but it's going really good." Why does this sound off to me! Is grandfather right about manipulation at the main office?

She gets me out of my thoughts, "Anyway, I was only in the neighbourhood so thought to meet you. I have to go attend this event, one of my friends has organized so I will leave you to your work."
I walk her out of the hotel but before leaving she turns to me, "Don't fall too hard that girl, she doesn't fit in our family." I nod but have nothing to say, I watch her leave and get myself deep into the work again.

Mia's pov:
I am browsing through some fancy pair of shoes... I really need to get new ones but I have been delaying it out of laziness. From the corner of my eye I see these really beautiful red pencil heels. I ask one of the staff member to get my size.

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