When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future

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With each passing day Nadezda got more and more comfortable not only being but living with Chase.... she still had the occasional moment where the fear she grew up with returned but it mostly depended on where they were and how crowded the place was as well as how many people came up to them to chat with him but it mostly had to do with how they stared at her.... many found it odd that Chase would date someone so timid they figured that he would chose someone stronger with a bit more backbone sure Chase hated how she feared everything and she hated that he still tried to be her hero she hates her fear as much as he does and wished that she was stronger just like everyone that now surrounds her thinks she should be but even she knew that it would take time for everything to become "normal" or perhaps she will always be this weak she hoped not she feared that if she stayed this way that Chase would give up on her on what they could become.... Chase seemed to always be busy if he wasn't training he was in meetings and he found that he missed her while he was away but knew that White Fang would protect her.... ankle biters can be dangerous too!.... a year went by and their world changed for good.... mainly because of the zombie epidemic.... and her father had somehow found her and the fear she had been fighting so long came back..... Chase tried to help her conquer her fear by teaching her all the ways she could protect herself but he also sheltered her he didn't want to share her with ANYBODY she wasn't a secret she was just.... his.... and when she left with her father he thought he lost her for good her father had guilt tripped her into coming back home telling her about how her mother lost her butcher shop after she had left and had to sell it to some "child" and when that didn't work he took more "drastic" measures and kidnapped her....

 and when she left with her father he thought he lost her for good her father had guilt tripped her into coming back home telling her about how her mother lost her butcher shop after she had left and had to sell it to some "child" and when that di...

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The day started innocently enough for Nadezda that is until she THOUGHT she saw her father.... she was out walking White Fang when someone not so far ahead of her walked within her line of sight her body froze, her heart stopped it wasn't until the shadow of a monster was out of sight that she was finally able to move and once that shadow came back into her line of view as though it recognized her to she whispers softly with a hint of fear in her tone "I'm sorry Fang but we're going to have to run now!"  and that's just what they did they ran all the way back home Nadezda picked White Fang up at the halfway point and carried him the rest of the way once inside she shut the door then turned around and slid down it she unhooked White Fang's leash and let him do whatever dogs do when they got back from a run her mind went blank then an image of Chase flew through it and she took her phone out of her pocket and called him "Nade?!"  she hears his voice say with a hint of confusion "I.... I think.... I.... saw my father!!"  came her reply Chase heard the fear in her voice and she sounded out of breath "were you running?!"  he asks curiously "I was walking White Fang when I saw him.... I didn't know what else to do!.... and if.... I know my father he'll find a way!.... he'll find me!.... I can't!.... not there!.... not him!!"  she replies "I'm on my way!"  he says "no! I just.... you needed to know.... just in case.... I'm sorry!"  she replies then hangs up she should have known he would come when she called dropping everything like it was nothing just "save" her yet again.... the thing was Nadezda's father didn't come to her home Nadezda saw him again when she went shopping.... he literally and purposefully bumped into her "you ruined our lives leaving us like you did!.... your mother almost lost her shop!.... customers stopped coming and she had to sell it to some BOY just to keep it running!"  he growls angrily "and us!.... I thought we had something special!.... I miss you!.... come home to me!"  he adds in a much softer voice Nadezda feels and hand cover her mouth then smells a strange smell and falls unconscious.... Nadezda woke up in her own childhood bedroom and it was almost as though the past year was just a dream and her fear was heightened to a new high and grew with each passing second "wake up!.... we're going to be late for work!!"  she heard her mother bark nastily and she bolted out of bed she was surprised that she was still in the same outfit that she wore at home.... with Chase.... his image flashed through her mind again and this time it hurt the pain seared through her heart as she rushed to join her mother and they headed off to Meat Cute where she met another man who would do ANYTHING to protect her.... her mother's boss Blaine DeBeers.... Blaine stared in awe of the beauty of the woman in a red suede leather jacket outfit as she worked on the display case within Meat Cute singing along with the radio as it played  Nirvana's "In Bloom"   (lyric in chapter video if you wanna sing along too 😉🎤👩‍🎤👨‍🎤🎶) in the most beautiful ethereal voice he has ever heard "morning boss!"  Cissie says as she walks towards the front of the store from the back Nadezda jumps and spins around when she hears a male voice from behind her reply with a smile in his tone "morning!"  her eyes lock with a bleached blonde.... practically white.... haired, blue eyed man's eyes as Cissie walks over to where she stands and wraps her arm around her shoulder as she says "I'd like you to meet my daughter Nadezda, Nadezda this is your new boss Blaine DeBeers"  Blaine's eyebrow raises once he notices the girl's body stiffen as soon as Cissie touched her Nadezda reaches her hand out to shake his and the way she did it made Blaine believe it was almost as though she was programmed to do so once he shakes it she lets it go and goes back to work and back to the song as if she hadn't been interrupted at all which Blaine found slightly amusing as he went to work himself....

 haired, blue eyed man's eyes as Cissie walks over to where she stands and wraps her arm around her shoulder as she says "I'd like you to meet my daughter Nadezda, Nadezda this is your new boss Blaine DeBeers"  Blaine's eyebrow raises once he noti...

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It took Nadezda a few days to "get used to" Blaine and warm up to him to the point where he didn't frighten her as much as everyone else did he stared but there was a softness in his stare and unlike every other "man" in Meat Cute there was no deeper intention.... aka sexual desire.... in his stare his stare in some small way reminded her of Chase's for Blaine started to protect her from her own fear and even her mother who jumped down her throat on more than one occasion.... a few weeks after Nadezda moved in with Chase he had given her her own card that he placed for her in his name.... he had hoped that his father would have never found her.... the account he made for her had come in handy during her second week back in Seattle where she met the man she hired as a bodyguard a muscular mute named Chief.... Chief had noticed a group of guys surround a very scared Nadezda who was backed up against a wall and he walked over to where they were reached over and gripped one of the men by the neck and just looking at the dark expression on the big mans face scared the others so much that they ran.... something about how the muscular blonde.... practically white just like Blaine.... haired man saving her calmed Nadezda slightly but she still didn't do anything noticing her body calm down a little Chief let the man go and the man ran off "are you alright?!"  Chief wrote into his phone then showed it to her at first she looked confused then she seemed to understand and she asks  "you're mute aren't you?!"  he nods "I'm alright.... thank you!.... names Nadezda"  she says "Chief"  he types "nice to meet you Chief.... but I really should go!.... I'm going to be late for work.... which is going to piss my mother off immensely!.... I'll see you around Chief!"  she says "are you sure you're going to be aright?!.... I could walk with you"  he types she smiles then says with a shrug "well if you've got nothing better to do"  the two of them walk towards Meat Cute and that's what started Chief's new role in her life.... Blaine looked up from the register as Nadezda walks in with Chief and he looks at them oddly with a curious tilt of his head "Blaine I'd like you to meet Chief.... he was kind enough to walk me halfway to work"  Nadezda says as she walks in introducing the two men "um.... he's mute so he types instead of talks"  she adds Blaine smiles as he starts to understand what may have happened.... quite a few things happened that day.... Blaine had found a owner of a well kept hotel that also rented out their rooms people to live in either permanently or for longer than a few days who he turned and ordered to keep his "best room" for Nadezda to live in and he also hired Chief to look after her permanently though Nadezda would only allow for those things to happen if she was able to pay for them to which Blaine reluctantly gave into so that she would actually do what he wished for her to do.... when Chase got a unknown bank statement record of a payment to a hotel and some guy named Chief he became curious and called to get information on the man he had no idea existed and to his surprise a very familiar voice answer the phone

Chase Me To My Grave (used to be titled Chase-ing A Dream)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora