Hard Headed Soldier🪖

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During the meeting Chase had with Casey Nadezda walks in and shoots all four of the people who opposed him the woman he once trusted and yet she didn't and the soldiers who were supposed to lead her out of his office in the head and Chase stares at his wife in surprise as she lowers the gun she held in her hand and says as she looks down at the dead body of the woman in grey "I never liked her anyway!"  he lets out a short soft chuckle then walks over and hugs her head to his chest with one hand and takes the gun out of her hand with the other "never do that again!"  he whispers as he presses his lips up against the top of her head "why?! it was fun!"  she replies with a playful tone he chuckles just then Clive and Liv walk into the room staring at the dead bodies in shock "I'll let you take care of this"  Nadezda says looking up at her husband who nods then kisses her lips he lets her waist go then watches her walk out of the room with a slightly relieved expression on his face he would rather take the blame for the small massacre in his office then see her get into trouble for it.... Chase made sure his wife never found out their plan for the flu vaccine though he believed she somehow in someway already knew from her words last night he knew she knew the flu was faked luckily for him even if she didn't fully support Fillmore Graves as a whole she did fully support him she was always there for him when he needed her no matter what she was doing.... unless it had to do with Fang.... she dropped it and headed to where he needed her.... which was usually the office.... sometimes she would just show up unannounced like she somehow knew before he even knew that he needed her like she had some built in alarm in her mind and or heart that went off when she sensed/felt he was in some kind of danger they had been in Seattle for a few months now slowly getting used to their new life and now it was about to get worse especially with the vaccine plan that was now put in motion he was surprised to find out how calm she was when she found out the full truth via a news report by Johnny Frost.... "Chase!"  Nadezda calls out after Johnny says from within the tv "fellow Seattle residents, I have grave news to report"  Chase rushes into the room just as Johnny says "it has come to light that every person who received the Aleutian flu vaccination today is now in the process of becoming.... a zombie"  Nadezda teases softly "well I'm glad I have a slight fear of needles!"  Chase chuckles as he sits down on the couch next to his wife laying his arm along the back of it as she leans into his side and holds him gently placing her hand on his chest if he still had a heartbeat it would be fluctuating by now his worry over the panic this news report is going to cause mixed with the loving care his wife is doing her best to give him as she makes herself comfortable at his side as they listen to Frost continue his soft caring speech as he tries his best to get those who are watching to listen to him "I can't stress this enough this is real this is not a joke your future may depend on what you do next if you have not received an Aleutian flu shot, do not get one if you do, you too will become a zombie the first sign you have turned into a zombie will be a craving for human brains color will drain from your skin your hair will begin to turn white if you have taken the vaccine, also be aware the zombie virus can be transmitted via a scratch, or sexually condoms do not prevent the transmission of the virus abstinence is the only protection"  Chase slides out of his wife's light grip and stands up then starts pacing as Frost continues "the most important thing for every Seattleite to remember is this, these people are still your friends, your neighbors, your loved ones they have simply contracted a virus those who have contracted the zombie virus, resist your urges help is on the way until then, everyone, please stay calm"  Nadezda looks up at her pacing husband with a worried expression on her face "go ahead say it!"  Chase says as he stops pacing and looks at her "say what?!"  she asks "that you're disappointed in me, that you can't believe I....!"  he starts "did what you always do and followed orders! or at least followed through on a plan that was made before you became their so called god!.... no Chase this is not your fault it's theirs! YES I do believe that creating more zombies ESPECIALLY without the specific persons consent or knowledge is wrong! but there are way too many rulers in one little company a beast worse than Cerberus for at least he only had three heads you're just one man you can't fight the system that was made long before you became a part of it the only thing I'm worried about right now is the fact that they're going to tear you apart! they made you the face of the company for a reason! they needed to place the blame on one person so they can live unscathed by all the things they knew they did wrong but refuse to admit it they love their power over people way too much to let it all go! but as long as you're the face and name of the problems they create they believe that they will remain unharmed we just have to find a way to prove them wrong keep a few of our own "li'l minions" close and guard them as they hopefully will guard us find those few in your machine of a company you know you can fully trust and put your faith in them and hopefully they will do the same with you yes I LIKE two of the many in that said company but I don't know them as well as you do for I don't spend as much time with them as you do and truth be told I don't want too! I may not be able to do anything within the company but I will ALWAY support you! be there for you when you need me! and I'm not giving up on the only man who's ever shown just how much he truly loves me! shown me what it's like to truly feel fully human, proved to me that I no longer have anything to fear no matter what danger my life has and will put me through....!"  she replies he rushes over to her and hugs her kissing her lips "I truly am the luckiest man in the world!"  he says breathlessly once he lets her lips go she chuckles softly then says softly as she looks up into his eyes "now go I know you have a storm to calm go be the hero I know you are while looking like the villain they THINK you are!"  he chuckles softly then kisses her lips slowly letting go of her hip before walking away truly grateful he stuck to his guns and helped her become a part of his life for he knew he wouldn't survive this new world without her "and Chase....!"  Nadezda starts as he walks away Chase turns and looks into her eyes as he replies "yeah?!"  she nods her head towards the paper she left on the small dresser in the foyer he walks over to it picks it up and his eyes widen hen he reads it "I truly am unique aren't I?!"  she asks he drops the paper rushes over to her and hugs her tightly then whispers softly into her ear with a breathlessly surprised tone "I'm going to be a father!"  she teases with a smile "well you have been pretty busy!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips and walks away once more what once made him excited started to make him worry he was going to have a child in the middle of this disaster! that thought alone made one too many worries flash through his head what kind of child would a zombie even one like her bring into this world?! how in the HELL were they able to procreate?! will he be able to protect BOTH of them from what's to come?! how in the hell would he explain away his pregnant wife's soon to be growing body?! then again they think she's human so.... NO she wouldn't do that to him and he won't allow anyone to think she would!....

Chase Me To My Grave (used to be titled Chase-ing A Dream)Where stories live. Discover now