1. The one in which she gets a new start

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I woke up in my bed as I gasped for air. My chest rose and fell as I breathed heavily. My body shivered and my clothes were drenched in sweat. It took me a while to realise that it was very early and the sky was still dark outside.

This wake-up call at an ungodly hour came because of a horrible dream, one that has been coming to me often in my sleep. It started a week ago, when I still lived in the city.

I had just taken a shower and left the bathroom. When I entered my room, I had the strangest urge to look back, as if someone was there. I cautiously looked around my room. At first I didn't realise there was anything different but then I saw it.


Written in black bold letters, it was all over my favorite posters on the wall. Every word that was ever written on the poster changed, it all said 'Leave'.

Something was wrong and my house was eerily silent. I lived alone but this silence was too loud for me.

I quickly dressed up and jumped when something fell behind me with a thud. I looked back to find that one of my novels were on the floor. I picked it up and put it back on the shelf. I turned around but then froze. The titles of the books had changed, again giving me the same message. Without looking back I ran down the stairs.

Weird things had happened to me before but this was scaring me to the bones. My hands were shaking and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was there. Usually I would see them, whoever it was but this time it felt different.

I picked up a glass and filled it with water. I was in the kitchen and I looked back to look at the drawing room and the big television on the wall. It lit up, the screen buzzing with black and white dots all over. I kept the glass on the kitchen counter and stepped out. My focus was on the television when I caught sight of someone by the window.

I looked at the person and my blood went cold. It was her, my mother. Her hair was longer than before, skin a warm shade of tan and eyes had a look that I couldn't recognize. I was supposed to be happy to see her but I couldn't even move a muscle because my mother was dead. She had been dead for 2 months.

After that I don't remember much because I woke up in my bed. I couldn't tell if it was real or just a nightmare. Later, I called my Aunt and told her that it was time I came to live with her.

Now I lived with my Aunt Jane. It's been two days since I left home, for good. After my mom, my Aunt had my custody but I refused to live with her until I completed my sophomore year. I sighed as I sat up in my bed. What a great way to start my first day of Junior High.

At 6:00 a.m. my alarm rang and I shut it off. Soon after, Aunt Jane entered my room. "Juliet wake up, its..." she stopped in surprise when she saw I was already dressed. "You are ready?"

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep, you know first day jitters." Aunt Jane smiled, tears shining in her eyes. Walking a few steps towards my bed where I sat, she took me in her warm embrace. "You look so much like your mother Juliet and I hope you enjoy your stay here and I wish you all the happiness in this world."

I was speechless, my throat felt choked with emotions. Aunt Jane is the closest person to mom I have. "Thank you" it was all I could say as I hugged her back. "Come down and have breakfast then I'll drop you at school." She let me go and I nodded.

Saving Juliet Summers ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن