Chapter 2: Challenge

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Chapter 2: Challenge

Ying Yue kept fidgeting in class, glancing at me every few minutes. Once our professor let us go early, she turned to me with her big hazel eyes and looked at me with such concern.

"What is the matter with you?" she shouted, smacking me on my arm with one her pencil bag.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing the now tender area. "What are you talking about?"

"You attacked an F4 member, that's what I am talking about!" she said, bringing her voice down so that the people around us couldn't hear our conversation.

"He was touching me and wouldn't let go. You know I don't like to be touched unless I give you permission to do so. Also what is up with this F4 name?" I sweetly replied. She pursed her lips and raised her perfectly groomed and pointed eyebrows at me. I looked at her and gave her the same look back, exactly how we used to do when we were kids. With a sigh, she let that look go and relaxed just a tad bit.

"F4 are the smartest, richest, and top seniors here at the University. On top of that, they are the leading champions in international card games, specifically bridge," she started. I made myself comfortable because it seemed like this was going to be a long story on how popular and wonderful these boys are. She went on to gush about how each one of them have their own special talents and are super smart. Other than Lei, the rest were business majors here at the university. The one with glasses, Ximen, was known for his skill in the art of tea, which I'm not going to lie was really intriguing. Meizuo, the one who stayed quiet during the whole thing with Pineapple Head and I, was known for his killer business skills when it came to getting companies together.

"And you ran into the meanest and hottest one of them all. Daoming Si," Ying Yue said excited but also scared at the same time. "He's the richest of them all. He already has his own business with stocks and trade. He never loses at bridge and no girl has ever won his heart over."

"Why would any of them want to? He seems like a jerk," I said, starting to pack up my things. It was getting close for me to leave for my next class.

"Don't you get it? You challenged a god of this school, which means you challenged the whole group," she insisted, while also getting her things together. "They will make your life miserable here."

"No one has the power to make my life miserable other than yours truly, but I'd love to see them try," I answered standing up. "Now, as much as I would love to keep talking about that Pineapple Head, I got to run to my last class of the day. I'll see in the courtyard," I smiled, leaving my friend and rushing to the locker rooms for my next class.

Whispers filled the white hallways of the school as I made my way to my next class. There was pointing and people were avoiding being anywhere near me. I figured that the news of my altercation with what's his face made its way through the school, seeing as they are well known.

But how well known can they really be if even I had no idea about them?

I finally made it to the locker room in which I changed out of my every day clothing into my black leotard and pink tights. I through my long black hair up into a tight ballet bun and fixed my makeup to the standards in which my professor prefers. I slipped my bruised feet into my pointe shoes and went into the studio to warm up.

Dancing is my escape to everything. I am lost in a whole different world which is only filled with dancing and music. Nothing else matters to me, nothing else is important. I'm just free.

After three hours of dancing, we were asked to stay after for a few minutes for an important announcement which our instructor seemed very excited to share. There were whispers amongst us with everyone speculating on what it could be.

"I am excited and proud to announce that for the first time at the university we will being having the senior business majors collaborate with the dance department!" Whispers turned into rumbles, everyone excited about having them in our class. There was a group of girls to the side of me who were wondering if the F4 members would be part of this, which I rolled my eyes at. I highly doubt that they would have any interest in the dance program.

"Now, now everyone. More information will be given during our next class, so please be on your best behavior as this is an important collaboration. Also, be in your appropriate dance attire. You are free to go," she said with a smile on her perfectly aged face. While everyone stood around and chatted with each other, I went straight to the locker room to change. As much as I loved to dance, a leotard was not my favorite thing to wear.

I messaged Ying Yue that I just had to shower and then I would meet her after. She wanted to go to the mall to her favorite tea shop and I agreed to give it a try. All that mattered was that I finally get something to eat.


Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! If you liked it, feel free to give this chapter a vote and/or comment. I would love to hear what you guys think. Hope to see you at the next chapter!

- Impact

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