Entry Twelve

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Dear Dad,

Dad, so much has happened that I don't even know where to start!

Okay, Ron and Hermione. I was right, they do have chemistry. Although they got off on a little bit of a rough start, they got through it and they had their first date yesterday.

Speaking of dates, Tom and I had our second date! Dad, Tom is amazing. We went to a movie, it was about wizards and the beginning was so sad! The poor child had his parents killed by a dark lord and then he was sent away to a shrieking horse-face woman and a tub of lard along with a junior tub of lard. I may or may not have cried. Only Tom will know. Because he held my hand and comforted me after I totally did not cry.

By the way, British people are so strange! I asked for french fries at a food court two days ago and they didn't have any! When I described them to them, they said, "You mean chips?" And pulls out a large basket of fucking french fries. I then argued that those were definitely not chips and asked for some potato chips.

And the fucking stupid ass Britain.

Called my fucking chips.


That isn't the worst part, Dad. After I got my order of chips with fries, I wanted a pack of saltine crackers. I went up the cashier again.

And asked for crackers.

That. Motherfucker. Didn't. Know. What. I. Meant.

I pulled up a picture on my phone and showed the British cashier. She pointed at it and said, "That is a biscuit."

I see why America separated from Britain now.

I pulled up a picture of a biscuit on my phone and showed her what a biscuit actually was.

This resulted in a long argument about what things were actually called and that is how Tom found me fifteen minutes later.

In other news, Uncle Lin is coming tomorrow and Mom's ultrasound is in two days!

Remember when I said Remus and Sirius were seriously talking a lot? Turns out they are going to be adopting a child!

Dad, are you excited for everything? We all love you and miss you dearly.

~Your son, Harry Potter.

Dear Dad...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant