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We chatted a bit as we ate, "So how come you never said you were a swimmer?" I asked while trying not to get caught enjoying some nice cleavage from across the table.

She shrugged, "I guess it never came up, would it have mattered?"

"Not really. I mean, I guess I just never had a clue with you hiding that bod under loose tops and jeans." I think that was the first time I'd seen Lauren blush.

"Come to think of it, I think this is the first time I've seen you in anything other than loose tops and jeans."

"Is that bad?"

I blatantly looked down and back up her body this time, what I could see of it any way, "Not in my book."

Lauren seemed pleased with that answer.

I dropped her off at her house after dinner and non-specific chatting and my occasional sneak peak at her body, She turned to go in, then turned back and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before running into the house. I smiled all the way home.

Lauren had quite the spring in her step the following weeks, and took to wearing tighter tops and even the occasional skirt on warmer days. I felt myself enjoying time with her more and more, but then Sarah would walk by and my mind would begin to wander down that old path again. It was quite the see-saw of emotions.

It was a nice spring, not long till to graduation, and Lauren came up to me during last period. "Hey Camila, they're playing the new enhanced version of Star Wars this weekend down at the mall. I was wondering... I really don't like to go to movies by myself and..."

I smiled at her, "and you would like for me to go with you?"

"If you don't mind."

"I think it would be fun. How about we do an evening show and get a bite to eat before? Maybe even something a bit fancier than Denny's?"

"There is a new restaurant out on the east end of town."

"Pick you up Friday around five?"

She bit her lip a little, batted her lashes and said, "Okay!"

I washed my old beater and a vacuumed it out, even if it didn't make it any fancier; but at least it was presentable.

I slipped on a clean pair of jeans and a decent shirt, a dash of after perfume, and made it over to Lauren's a few minutes early.

When Lauren opened the door I could only stare. She was in a lovely light blue halter dress. She had done a little something with her hair and makeup, but nothing extravagant. From the smile on her face it must have had the effect on me she was going for.

I managed to not trip over my own feet as I walked her to the car, my hand reveling in touching her bare back. Drinking in her legs as she got in the car, and even more so when I got in and realized she hadn't pulled her skirt down from mid thigh. How I made it to the Marriott without running into something is a mystery, and to this day it is something Lauren reminds me of when she catches me staring at her.

The meal was good, the conversation went in one ear and out the other, her company was beyond comparison. Lauren in that halter dress, and me stealing glances at her lovely chest and cleavage. Knowing she wasn't wearing a bra and yet not seeing those nipples pop out that I saw after the swim meet.

Many months later I discovered the wonderful outfits I could get her to wear due to the miracle of built in bras. I was almost murdered years later when I removed that layer from a couple of her outfits without her knowledge. But that night out and her dancing with those nipples free, was worth it. Every once in a while when we're away from home, she would do it on purpose just for me.

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