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Blake PoV
Ack.. Monday. The worst day of the week. I rise from my bed letting the morning air travel my body. I should probably wake yang up don't want her to be lacking on her first day. I am about to get up from my bed but then I am greeted with only darkness and I plop back down into bed. So warm~
Yang PoV
I wake up to the pleasant chirping of singing birds. I glance over to the clock on the bed side table it reads 7:58. Dang. Just over an hour to get ready for school. I'm surprised Blake isn't up yet, she's usually up before me. I place my feet on the cold wooden floor boards and make my way over to the opposite side of the room. I peer over the top of Blake's sleeping head gazing down at her. "You have a really cute sleeping face" I said just loud enough for it to be slightly audible "you look so peaceful and relaxed....but..... Blake you GOTTA wake up"
I say that as loud to wake up the entire block of dorms. All I get from her was a slight head readjustment. "Blake.. wake up" still no answer
I start shaking on her side and able to wake her from her slumber.
"yang..?" She finally responds
"Morning Blake!"I respond "sleep well?"
"Eh? Oh good morning and y-yeah I slept well.." Blake said
"Well we gotta get ready to go to the forest with ozpin so get up" I say
We quickly get changed and grab our weapons

"Alright Blake! Let's go" Blake nods in return and quickly rushing out of the dorm since we don't want to be late.
"So we will be heading into the forest together, try not to lose track of each other ok yang?"
"Yep!" Blake shoots me a soft smile.
"Alright students, I am professor ozpin. And today you and you assigned partner will be launched into the forest and using a landing strategy to land safely! The first person you run into, them and their teammate will be your teammates for the next four years!"
"See ya in the forest Blake!" I wink at Blake before being launched into the forest and flying over the trees.

I land.(Idk how to write ok) I had saw Blake close behind but I'm not sure where she is now. I start running towards the direction I would expect and to my surprise. She's not there. Wow. I'm in a giant forest and I need to find my parter but I don't know where she is. This is swell. I start running around in circles like an idiot trying to find Blake. And I run into somebody, it's not Blake but..
"Oh hey there friend! Mind helping me find my other friend?"
I politely ask a beowolf (idk if it's that but ok) but just get an answer of a loud rear
"rude, could of just said no"

Kinda late I'm sry but I have tests this week n I'll try to start posting once a week or something idk

Beebumble Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora