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"liza! are you ready yet?" my mother yelled from down the hall.

"just about" i state sliding my right arm into the sleeve of my sweater."you know mom i really dont think i need to see doc today .im fi-."

"yeah but you already told me you'd go today so not one more word missy"


(one hour later)

"we're here" my mom says in a sing song manner.

"hallelujah , such a long ass drive "

"language" my mother warns.

"shit, sorry"  I smirk opening the huge auburn doors. "Mothers first" I smile as she rolls her eyes and walks in.

My mom immediately walks to the front desk to check me in as I look around taking in the oh to fimilar site of hideous furniture and old magazines.

"Alright Elizabeth right down that hall" the lady behind the desk says

"Really I thought it was in the bending machi-" I scoff being cut of by my mom hitting me in the back of the head. "sorry ,shes sorry ,isn't that right liza"my mom looked at me. " yes, I'm sooo sorry."

"it's ok" the lady says opening up the door. " Make your self comfortable Doctor Reisi will be right with you. "she said ;Leaving the room.

So yea just to make one thing clear, my hospital isnt really a hospital it felt more like one of those investigation rooms.  Since they decided a long time ago that previous events that sent me here in the first place left me traumatised. so they like investigate me making me go back to a place I always try so hard to hide from. I always hated this place and well I still do.

"Good morning Liza" doc says cutting away my train of thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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