Gargoyle King

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When Fangs told Jughead and FP that he had a way into the Gargoyle Gang they made a plan to get their king and finally find out who's been causing the trouble. One of the gang's member was about to make Fangs one of them when the Serpents came from where they were hiding and jumped to get the Gargoyle King. "Tall Boy?" FP asked in shock.

"Jones." Tall Boy almost spit. They took him out of that Gargoyle King costume then took Tall Boy to the bunker. FP, Jughead, Fangs and Sweet Pea were the only Serpents allowed to stay. They tied Tall Boy to a chair and FP punched him.

"We all thought you were dead Tall Boy? Where you been hiding?"
FP asked looking him straight in the eye.

"A small town called Athens." Tall Boy said before he spit the blood that was on his mouth then looked at FP with a smirk on his face. "Alice Cooper, she was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys broke in and scared the crap out of he-" Tall Boy didn't finish what he wanted to say because FP clenched his fist and punched him again then again.

"You fucking bastard!" FP said trying to reach again to him and hit him, but the three boys were keeping him away. When FP finally wasn't trying to get to Tall Boy the boys let him.

"What the hell dad?" Jughead asked and FP out his jacket back on.

"You're the king now boy. You deal with him 'cause I can't." FP said and got out of the bunker. He jumped on his motorcycle and speed over to Alice's house. If there was someone that could calm him down that was Alice.

About fifteen minutes later FP was knocking on Alice's door. "FP h-" Alice started to say but didn't finish it because FP placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her deeply.

"Hello to you too." FP said when they parted to catch their breaths. Alice hit his chest. "What?"

"Didn't you think about Betty?" Alice hissed.

"Well is she home?" FP asked and Alice rolled her eyes making him laugh.

"No, but still-"

"Then we can do more than kiss." FP said and stepped into the house. He kicked the door closed and kissed Alice again as they moved to the couch.

"FP Jones, you're driving me crazy." Alice bit her lower lip as she unzipped his pants. They fell onto the floor just when Alice's skirt fell too. Alice pushed FP onto the couch and climbed on top of him. After she took off her shirt FP placed his hands on her thighs and squeezed them gently.

"When is Betty gonna be back?" FP asked and ran her fingers through his hair.

"She's over at Veronica's for the night." Alice said and FP reached for her bra to undo it. It fell onto the floor and soon after the rest of their clothes followed.

"Now would you like to tell me what was bothering you before we did what we did?" Alice asked when they were curled onto each other's arms under a blanket.

"You mean before we have the best sex ever." FP smirked and Alice rolled her eyes. He was playing with a strand of her hair.

"I wouldn't say the best." Alice said and FP stopped glaring at her.

"You can't tell me that Hal was better." FP said and Alice cringed making him laugh.

"Oh god no." Alice blinked a few times. "What I was meaning was that we're gonna see each other tomorrow too." Alice smirked at FP. "Anyway, tell me."

"Well we found out who the Gargoyle King is." FP said and Alice turned to face him.

"Who?" Alice asked swallowing the lump on her throat.

"Tall Boy is-"

"I'm gonna kill the shit out of him." Alice crossed her arms over her chest.

"I tried, but the boys wouldn't let me." FP said and Alice looked at him confused. "When we started to ask him questions he talked about the night he broke into your house. About you and I just couldn't listen to him."

"You didn't have to do that for me." Alice smiled at FP as she placed a hand on his cheek.

"Alice when it comes to you I'd do anything." FP smiled back at her. He took her hand and placed a kiss on it. "I'm so happy you didn't leave with the farm."

"I'm so damn happy you talked me out of that cult." It took some time for Alice to realise what they were doing to her and thanks to FP Alice became herself again and fixed everything with her daughter. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me FP." Alice placed her forehead against his.

"I love you Alice." It was the first time FP said it since they got back together and he couldn't find a better moment than that one. He kissed her softly than smiled at her.

"I love you too babe!"

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