Rabbits and the Moon II

Start from the beginning

"Right! As I expected from you! Er- I guess we should head inside now!"

Thus, the group had treaded forward. The place was abandoned enough to leave mold almost everywhere due to the moisture. The eerie silence and emptiness was enough to give a chill, almost as if it were a horror setting.

"Hm, this is strange..." Lunalie questioned, looking room after room, "I was told there was a large amount of spirits to be reaped, but I don't see even one in sight."

"But there is something sour in the air," Asimi added, walking ahead of the group and towards the direction of a room that looks to be an office, "A mix of envy and gluttony? No, lust? Either way there's definitely a corpse in this place, and it has a strong desperation of staying alive."

As soon as Asimi had finished her sentence, the ground let out a tremor, alarming the group. It felt someone, or something, was coming towards their direction. But before it can pop out, Axis quickly opened a door everyone else heading inside and shutting the door to hide. Without a second to waste, the sound of something breaking in the distance was heard. Lunalie peeked out of the window to see what looked like a human with spider-like features. Its clothes were tattered and gave out a rotten smell, as well as its face. Seeming to look melted off and missing a few pieces. Key could only cover her mouth as she hid behind Axis. What a horrifyingly grotesque creature.

The creature slowly walked past the group, moving to the other room as a sigh of relief would hit them. Lunalie opening the door and being the first to get out, staring at where the creature went.

"W-What on earth was that?!" Key's voice was trembling down to her ears, clutching tightly onto Axis as she stared at Lunalie, jokes and games were now put aside.

"Luna, just now... that was a ghoul, wasn't it?" Axis said.

"Yeah, but from the way it looked, it's odd." Lunalie had a serious look on his face, then turning to Asimi and Nora, "You two, go keep a close watch of the ghoul that passed by us, make sure you're not spotted, and keep me updated on its behaviors while I clear out any spirit that was roaming around this place."

The two rabbit familiars had nodded, heading towards the same direction the ghoul went and leaving the group. Lunalie had turned the other direction, summoning his weapon from underneath his skirt, which was a large hammer that bore only a mouth. He said nothing more as he treaded forward, having both Axis and Key follow behind them.

"I don't get it," Key had to speak, "Whats a ghoul? Is it that bad of a thing?"

"Ghouls are creatures that feed on the dead, they're creatures that are a mix of the undead and spirit." Axis started explaining, "Usually they pop up at around graveyards, or in an area where there was previously a massacre, like this place apparently."

"But its strange." Lunalie added soon after, biting his nail as he had to think, " There are no corpses around here anymore, so surely that ghoul would have to move to another area before it starves. Yet it's too fixated on this place, which is gonna pose a problem for us. Ghouls have always been nasty creatures to us, because unlike the undead, they're rather swift, and have a bit more of a brain then plain undead."

Lunalie had then let out a loud groan, rustling his hair frustratingly, "What more annoying is that theres no soul in this place! What even is going on?!"

"Who are you?" a voice would suddenly then echo, causing Key to jump in surprise.

There, around the corner, would appear a single spirit. A little girl, who wore twin pigtails and bore stitches all over her body as if she was nearly falling apart. She looked harmless, and if anything, apologetic.

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