The Witch and the Rabbit

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"Ugh... I'm so bored..."

It was the dawn of morning, silence only filled the dusty corners of an old antique shop full of unique and unusual trinkets that make the room rather... messy. The little rabbit with locks as blue as the deep sea, Key, sat on one of the kitchen chairs, chin resting on top of the chair railing.
The autumn season had just started, and usually many living beings go and prepare themselves for the winter, but not for these two.

Axis, a witch with many mysteries, simply stood in front of the bookshelf, quietly reading. As still as a statue would, and she remained standing there for the past hour as it is. A rather peculiar one, this witch.

"Isn't this a bit weird?" Key started complaining once again, "I mean, we usually have someone come in every two days or so, but it has been two weeks instead that we got any visitors."

"Well we can't really do much about that." Axis replied, flipping a page, "Besides, the quiet isn't too bad once in a while."

"This, "once in a while" is too long. If we have lots of time to spare, we should at least dust up the place!"

"Haha, perhaps we should."

Axis then closed her book, letting out a sigh and turning to stare at the door,

"Though it is strange, its already noon, yet our guest has yet to arrive..."


Before Key could say anything more, the door was forced open, a burst of wind entering the area and causing an even more of a mess than before. It was difficult to see, but Key would see something black fizz past both her an Axis, towards the more darker area of the room. Once the wind had died down, Key immediately got up from her seat, turning the direction of what she saw. It was black and fuzzy, almost like a ball of fur that was covered in soot and dust. It cowered within the corner, trembling in fear. As Key went over to pick up the creature, a woman soon would enter the shop, having a warm and motherly aura as she seemed to wear historical greek clothing, her light blond hair touched the floor, flowers hidden in her locks.

"Oh my my my, don't let that one go please." she called out to Key, despite her soft voice.

Axis had a look of surprise upon seeing the female, walking up towards her rather than cleaning up the mess that had been currently made.

"Vitae? It has been awhile, what are you doing here of all places?"

"Vitae?" Key questioned, gripping tightly onto the fur ball as it seemed to desperately escape.

"Oh right, this is the first time you have met her. Key, she is the god, or goddess, of life in this universe."

Vitae did a bit of a curtsy before Key, "Good evening, you've grown into such a lovely woman now, I'm glad Axis is able to care for you well. I came by for that creature you have in your hands right now, sorry for the fuss, he only likes dark places, and I'm the opposite of that."

"Do you need him for something?" Key asked, handing the poor creature over, watching Vitae as she tried to calm it down in her arms.

"No, Im just aiding some critters find homes so they can settle in before winter comes. Nothing more."

"Oh? Thats rare, you usually hang out with the death god from Universe ✩✤⌀∎. What's the sudden change?"

Key's ears raised up, she wasn't always used to the static of names that comes out of Axis, whatever universe is what, and she probably never will. Key instead proceeded to clean up the area as she listened in to the two chatting on.

"Oh no, I was just asked a favor from the fairy queen, apparently the usual fae that takes upon this job is absent. But I met some new friends, so it is fun. Like the autumn fae noble from the unseelie court he was quite a kind man."

"Kind...? I have heard of him, but from what I hear, kind doesn't fit well with him. Though you probably know this already, you're too forgiving you know."

"Im just telling the truth of my thoughts. Oh right, I meet up with your guest, he told me to tell you that he'll be here soon, he just needs to take care of something first before he gets here."

"Ah! So we are getting a guest! Axis, why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Key yelled, a very annoyed expression on her face, cheeks puffed up.

"Aha... I sorta wanted to make it a surprise?"

"A surprise for what exactly?"

"....Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier."

Vitae let out a chuckle next, hearing the two bicker. A sense of relief for Axis mostly seeing her like this, "Well I must get going then. I hope it goes well with your guest, and Axis,"
Vitae goes ahead and rests one of her hands against Axis' own hands,

"I hope everything goes well for you now, its been decades since I saw you like this, not since..."

Axis had known the meaning of Vitae's words, giving her a sad, yet comforting smile, "Mhm, of course, Ill hope to chat with you again soon."

Key watched as Vitae waved goodbye, leaving the building on that note. She never really knew much about the woman who took her in when everyone else refused to do so. What did Vitae mean by "not since"? She wishes to know, but the last time she asked Axis about her past she just gave her a pained expression in return, to which she no longer decided to pry.


"Yes Key?"

"We should hurry up and clean this place up before our guest comes."

"...Yes, we should do that."


You know Axis, even if the world turns against you, and you don't have a place to go, I want to at least be by your side so you'll never end up alone.

Pfft- what are you talking about? We're already wanted people for tons of reasons.

I know, but I just wanted to point it out.

You're a strange mortal, but I don't dislike that side of yours.


A/N: Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I haven't written anything like this since back in middleschool when I wrote fanfictions and such lol.
I don't know the chapter scheduling or such, since I am bombarded with both school and work, but I'll make sure to update once a month.
The black fuzzy creature mentioned in this chapter is called Keukegen, a type of Japanese mythical creature that feeds on trash, dirt and mold. They're cute, fluffy balls that are the size of a small dog, but they don't make good pets as they bring misfortune and bad luck.
If you like the art I have drawn for the cover, be sure to follow me on these social media sites to see more of my art.
(And perhaps more drawings of Axis and Key)

Twitter: @RinHellcat
Deviantart: RinHellcat

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